I have storybook setup with my next.js, typescript and react project. The project renders fine but storybook breaks and give me the me error: "Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'components/atoms' in...." It seems like the path to components is causing it to break:
import { Element } from 'components/atoms';
but the following works:
import { Element } from '../../atoms
I have a tsconfig.json file with the following:
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": "src",
"include": [
I tried some of the suggestions online but none seems to resolve the path issue. I created a webpack.config.js in my .storybook folder with the following, but still get errors.
module.exports = {
resolve: {
modules: [path.resolve(__dirname, 'src'), 'node_modules']
I would like to not use the ../../
when calling files and just be able to use the ./components
to configure you webpack by adding analias
to your./src/components
– Laevopath.resolve('./src/')
to the config they provided. – Undersecretary