This can be solved with a Topological Sort algorithm.
If you consider each of your input sequences to be a path through a directed graph, a topological sort will order your set of nodes from left to right in such a way that each directed edge points to the right.
The wikipedia page on Topological Sorting includes this algorithm, first described by Arthur Kahn in 1962:
L ← Empty list that will contain the sorted elements
S ← Set of all nodes with no incoming edges
while S is non-empty do
remove a node n from S
insert n into L
for each node m with an edge e from n to m do
remove edge e from the graph
if m has no other incoming edges then
insert m into S
if graph has edges then
return error (graph has at least one cycle)
return L (a topologically sorted order)
This algorithm, as written, doesn't actually fail if it finds ambiguous sequences, but that's easy to add by inserting a check at the beginning of the loop, like this:
while S is non-empty do
if S contains more than 1 item
return error (inputs are ambiguous)
remove a node n from S
I don't know what language you're working in, but I've thrown together this PHP implementation as a proof of concept:
function mergeSequences($sequences, $detectAmbiguity = false) {
// build a list of nodes, with each node recording a list of all incoming edges
$nodes = array();
foreach ($sequences as $seq) {
foreach ($seq as $i => $item) {
if (!isset($nodes[$item])) $nodes[$item] = array();
if ($i !== 0) {
$nodes[$item][] = $seq[$i-1];
// build a list of all nodes with no incoming edges
$avail = array();
foreach ($nodes as $item => $edges) {
if (count($edges) == 0) {
$avail[] = $item;
$sorted = array();
$curr = '(start)';
while (count($avail) > 0) {
// optional: check for ambiguous sequence
if ($detectAmbiguity && count($avail) > 1) {
throw new Exception("Ambiguous sequence: {$curr} can be followed by " . join(' or ', $avail));
// get the next item and add it to the sorted list
$curr = array_pop($avail);
$sorted[] = $curr;
// remove all edges from the currently selected items to all others
foreach ($nodes as $item => $edges) {
$nodes[$item] = array_diff($edges, array($curr));
if (count($nodes[$item]) == 0) {
$avail[] = $item;
if (count($nodes) > 0) {
throw new Exception('Sequences contain conflicting information. Cannot continue after: ' . join(', ', $sorted));
return $sorted;
You can call the function like this:
$input = array(
array('XS', 'M', 'L', 'XL'),
array('S', 'M', 'XXL'),
array('XXS', 'XS', 'S', 'L'),
echo(join(', ', mergeSequences($input)));
echo(join(', ', mergeSequences($input, true)));
To get the following output:
Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Ambiguous sequence: M can be followed by L or XXL'