People are correct that it's not supported by restify, but I thought I'd throw my solution to this problem into the mix. I'm doing something like this (warning, untested code to follow):
After I create a server, but BEFORE I declare the routes, I register a custom parser to translate the url-style version specifier into an HTTP-style specifier:
And versionParser.js looks something like this:
var semver = require('semver');
var restify = require('restify');
module.exports = function (req, res, next) {
// we expect every request to have the form "/api/[api-version]/..."
// verify that the api-version is a valid semver value
var urlPieces = req.url.replace(/^\/+/, '').split('/');
var api = urlPieces[0];
var apiVersion = urlPieces[1];
if (api !== 'api' || !semver.valid(apiVersion)) {
return next(new restify.InvalidContentError({message: "Invalid Version Specifier"}));
req.header('Accept-Version', apiVersion);
return next();
This way, the restify routes can inspect the Accept-Version header as they do naturally.
Sidenote: The semver part is probably not relevant to this answer, but I wanted to verify that the API version in the URL was a valid semver value, as it allows flexibility in the URL values such that a user could take advantage of restify's flexibility in version specifiers.
app.get('/v1/action', ...)
), Restify doesn't support this sort of scheme. – Binns