I am trying to install webdriver and in order to open Firefox I need the geckodriver to be installed and in the correct path.
Firstly the download link to install geckodriver only allows you to install a file that is not an executable. So is there a way to make it an executable?
Secondly I have tried to change my path variables in command prompt, but of course it didn't work. I then changed the user variable, not the system path variables, because there is no Path in system. there is a Path in user variables so I edited that to change where the file is located.
I have extracted the geckodriver rar file and have received a file with no extension. I don't know how you can have a file with no extension, but they did it. The icon is like a blank sheet of paper with a fold at the top left.
If anyone has a solution for this including maybe another package that is like webdriver and will allow me to open a browser and then refresh the page after a given amount of time. This is all I want to do.