Is there an alternative to reshape2::melt for multidimensional arrays in base R or tidyverse?
Asked Answered



Suppose I have a 3-dimensional array g with dimensions [x,y,z]. reshape2::melt(g) would produce a data frame with columns giving indices of x,y,z and value where value contains the values in each entry of the prior array.

Given that reshape2 is superseded, is there a "one function" alternative to the functionality of reshape2::melt in base R or a more actively supported tidyverse package that I'm missing?

reshape2 recommends people use tidyr instead but I can't seem to find solutions to multi-dimensional arrays in tidyr. There is cubelyr but doesn't seem like that is very active these days either.

I can write a custom solution, just looking for something stable with the easy functionality of reshape2::melt for this kind of problem


g_as_array <- array(rnorm(9), dim = c(3,3,3)) # create a 3D array

g_as_data_frame <- reshape2::melt(g_as_array) # melt down to "tidy" format

#>   Var1 Var2 Var3      value
#> 1    1    1    1  1.4092362
#> 2    2    1    1 -2.1606972
#> 3    3    1    1  0.4334404
#> 4    1    2    1  0.2390544
#> 5    2    2    1 -0.9673617
#> 6    3    2    1  0.5668378

Created on 2022-08-25 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

Flyfish answered 25/8, 2022 at 17:4 Comment(6)
Base approach and data.table answers here: #63311905 or
That's great, thank you. For the base approach would just need to convert factor labels back to numeric indices then e.g. %>% dplyr::mutate(dplyr::across(dplyr::starts_with("Var"), as.numeric))Flyfish
pivot_longer and pivot_wider from tidyr seem to be the main alternatives these days.Took
True in general but pivot_longer and pivot_wider only work for two-dimensional table-like data, not multi-dimensional arrays, unless I'm missing some functionality there?Flyfish
An ideal answer would preserve dimnames if they existedBrentbrenton will give the results but using LETTERS instead of numbersAdrianople
a <- array(1:27, dim = c(3,3,3))

DF1 <- melt(a)

DF2 <- data.frame(
  expand.grid(lapply(dim(a), seq_len)),
  value = as.vector(a)

identical(DF1, DF2)
#[1] TRUE

If the array has dimension names:

a <-array(letters[1:27], dim = c(3, 3, 3), dimnames = list(letters[1:3],

DF1 <- melt(a)
DF2 <- data.frame(
  value = as.vector(a)

identical(DF1, DF2)
#[1] TRUE

If not all dimensions have names, you would need to fill in the missing names first, e.g.:

Map(\(x, y) if (is.null(x)) seq_len(y) else x , dimnames(a), dim(a))
Punctate answered 1/6, 2023 at 8:46 Comment(3)
Nice solution! +1! I think you can use expand.grid(lapply(dim(g), without any, i.e., cbind(expand.grid(lapply(dim(g),, value = c(g))Taxiway
Thanks, I always forget that. Luckily, the overhead from is minimal.Punctate
And I remember a BDR fortune quote regarding misuse of c to strip attributes.Punctate

An option would be to use arrayInd.

A <- array(1:8, c(2,2,2))

data.frame(arrayInd(seq_along(A), dim(A)), value = as.vector(A))
#  X1 X2 X3 value
#1  1  1  1     1
#2  2  1  1     2
#3  1  2  1     3
#4  2  2  1     4
#5  1  1  2     5
#6  2  1  2     6
#7  1  2  2     7
#8  2  2  2     8

Or quite similar to @ThomasIsCoding using which.

data.frame(which(array(TRUE, dim(A)), arr.ind = TRUE), value = as.vector(A))
#  dim1 dim2 dim3 value
#1    1    1    1     1
#2    2    1    1     2
#3    1    2    1     3
#4    2    2    1     4
#5    1    1    2     5
#6    2    1    2     6
#7    1    2    2     7
#8    2    2    2     8

If the array has dimension names.

A <- array(1:8, c(2,2,2), list(X=c("a","b"), Y=c("c","d"), Z=c("e","f")))

i <- arrayInd(seq_along(A), dim(A), dimnames(A), TRUE)
data.frame(mapply(`[`, dimnames(A), asplit(i, 2)), value = as.vector(A))
#  X Y Z value
#1 a c e     1
#2 b c e     2
#3 a d e     3
#4 b d e     4
#5 a c f     5
#6 b c f     6
#7 a d f     7
#8 b d f     8

But this can be achieved, as shown in the comments, with @Jon Spring or @Onyambu.
If you look at the source of you see that it is using expand.grid.    #@Onyambu. #@Jon Spring
#  X Y Z Freq
#1 a c e    1
#2 b c e    2
#3 a d e    3
#4 b d e    4
#5 a c f    5
#6 b c f    6
#7 a d f    7
#8 b d f    8

But if numeric indices are wanted this can be used.

sapply(, unclass)
#     X Y Z Freq
#[1,] 1 1 1    1
#[2,] 2 1 1    2
#[3,] 1 2 1    3
#[4,] 2 2 1    4
#[5,] 1 1 2    5
#[6,] 2 1 2    6
#[7,] 1 2 2    7
#[8,] 2 2 2    8

Or more robust and giving a data.frame:

tt <-
tt[-length(tt)] <- lapply(tt[-length(tt)], unclass)
#  Var1 Var2 Var3 Freq
#1    1    1    1    1
#2    2    1    1    2
#3    1    2    1    3
#4    2    2    1    4
#5    1    1    2    5
#6    2    1    2    6
#7    1    2    2    7
#8    2    2    2    8

list2DF(lapply(, unclass))

Or a variant - Thanks to @Onyambu for the hint!

type.convert(`dimnames<-`(A, NULL),
             base = list(as.character(seq_len(max(dim(A)))))), = TRUE)
#  Var1 Var2 Var3 Freq
#1    1    1    1    1
#2    2    1    1    2
#3    1    2    1    3
#4    2    2    1    4
#5    1    1    2    5
#6    2    1    2    6
#7    1    2    2    7
#8    2    2    2    8

Another option is to calculate it "by hand" with %% and %/%.

cbind(1 + mapply(`%%`,
    Reduce(`%/%`, dim(A)[-length(dim(A))], 0:(length(A)-1), accumulate = TRUE),
    dim(A)), Value=as.vector(A))
#           Value
#[1,] 1 1 1     1
#[2,] 2 1 1     2
#[3,] 1 2 1     3
#[4,] 2 2 1     4
#[5,] 1 1 2     5
#[6,] 2 1 2     6
#[7,] 1 2 2     7
#[8,] 2 2 2     8

. <- 0:(length(A)-1)
cbind(1 +
    t(t(cbind(., outer(., cumprod(dim(A)[-length(dim(A))]), `%/%`))) %% dim(A)),

or using rep.

list2DF(c(Map(\(i, j, n) rep(rep(1:i, each=j), length.out=n),
    c(1, cumprod(dim(A)[-length(dim(A))])),
    length(A)), Value=list(as.vector(A))))
#        Value
#1 1 1 1     1
#2 2 1 1     2
#3 1 2 1     3
#4 2 2 1     4
#5 1 1 2     5
#6 2 1 2     6
#7 1 2 2     7
#8 2 2 2     8

Or basically the same but keeping names and make use of auto repetition.

d <- setNames(dim(A), names(dimnames(A))), c(
  Map(\(i,j) rep(1:i, each=j), d, c(1, cumprod(d[-length(d)]))),
  Value=list(as.vector(A) ), fix.empty.names = FALSE) )
  X Y Z Value
1 1 1 1     1
2 2 1 1     2
3 1 2 1     3
4 2 2 1     4
5 1 1 2     5
6 2 1 2     6
7 1 2 2     7
8 2 2 2     8


A <- array(0, c(1e5, 12, 30), list(T=NULL, Month=NULL, Year=NULL))

reshape2 = reshape2::melt(A),
expand.grid = {data.frame(  #@Roland
  expand.grid(lapply(dim(A), seq_len)),
  value = as.vector(A)) },
data.frame.table = {tt <-
  tt[-length(tt)] <- lapply(tt[-length(tt)], unclass)
rep = {d <- setNames(dim(A), names(dimnames(A))), c(
  Map(\(i,j) rep(1:i, each=j), d, c(1, cumprod(d[-length(d)]))),
  Value=list(as.vector(A) ), fix.empty.names = FALSE) )} )
#  expression            min   median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec` n_itr  n_gc
#  <bch:expr>       <bch:tm> <bch:tm>     <dbl> <bch:byt>    <dbl> <int> <dbl>
#1 reshape2            812ms    812ms      1.23    1.21GB     1.23     1     1
#2 expand.grid         733ms    733ms      1.36    1.21GB     2.73     1     2
#3 data.frame.table    605ms    605ms      1.65    1.23GB     3.31     1     2
#4 rep                 293ms    331ms      3.02  691.99MB     1.51     2     1

In this case the variant using rep is the fastest and allocates the lowest amount of memory.

Genovera answered 1/6, 2023 at 12:35 Comment(4)
also data.frame(arrayInd(seq_along(A), dim(A)), value = c(A))Adrianople
Thanks! I had similar but instead of c with as.vector(see comment Roland in his answer) - see history of edits. But arrayInd "wants" a logical vector so I provide one.Genovera
Why would you say arrayInd wants a logical vector? arrayInd takes in an Integer valued vector. Not a logical vector. Please read the help page for array ind.Adrianople
sapply...unclass is quite risky, I would suggest type.convert(, base = list(as.character(1:20))), = TRUE)Adrianople

Here are some base R alternatives with the which trick that should work for general arrays, i.e., numeric and character:

  1. which(1^ > 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
cbind(^ > 0, arr.ind = TRUE)), value = c(g))
  1. which(TRUE |, arr.ind = TRUE)
cbind( |, arr.ind = TRUE)), value = c(g))
  1. nchar(g, "width") > -1
cbind(, "width") > -1, arr.ind = TRUE)), value = c(g))

and we will obtain

   dim1 dim2 dim3 value
1     1    1    1     a
2     2    1    1     b
3     3    1    1     c
4     1    2    1     d
5     2    2    1     e
6     3    2    1     f
7     1    3    1     g
8     2    3    1     h
9     3    3    1     i
10    1    1    2     j
11    2    1    2     k
12    3    1    2     l
13    1    2    2     m
14    2    2    2     n
15    3    2    2     o
16    1    3    2     p
17    2    3    2     q
18    3    3    2     r
19    1    1    3     s
20    2    1    3     t
21    3    1    3     u
22    1    2    3     v
23    2    2    3     w
24    3    2    3     x
25    1    3    3     y
26    2    3    3     z
27    3    3    3  <NA>

Dummy Data

> (g <- array(letters[1:27], dim = c(3, 3, 3)))
, , 1

     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] "a"  "d"  "g"
[2,] "b"  "e"  "h"
[3,] "c"  "f"  "i"

, , 2

     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] "j"  "m"  "p"
[2,] "k"  "n"  "q"
[3,] "l"  "o"  "r"

, , 3

     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] "s"  "v"  "y"
[2,] "t"  "w"  "z"
[3,] "u"  "x"  NA
Taxiway answered 31/5, 2023 at 20:57 Comment(11)
is is.finite() just a trick to get all of the elements? I guess I could define isTRUE(x) as is.finite(x) | !is.finite(x) ...Brentbrenton
@BenBolker Yes, I assume all entries are finite to play that trick. but yours is absolutely more generalized :)Taxiway
@BenBolker Probably ^ is more efficient for numerical entries or NA or Inf.Taxiway
You mean ^0 ?Brentbrenton
@BenBolker I think both 1^g and g^0 should workTaxiway
Based on minimal testing, looks like you're right. (Why would you prefer 1^g > 0 to 1^g == 1 or as.logical(1^g) ? fewer characters/code golfing?)Brentbrenton
Solutions should work for any data type. Try yours with (g <- array(letters[1:27], dim = c(3, 3, 3)))Punctate
@Punctate yes, you are right. then we can try 1^nchar(g) insteadTaxiway
@BenBolker yes, I am used to code golfing.Taxiway
@Punctate But nchar won't work if there is "". Anyway, thanks for your feedback. I just assumed OP has numeric arrays so I played that trick.Taxiway
@Punctate I updated my solution with 1^, which should fit for arrays with all types of entries.Taxiway

Benchmarking, Just for Fun

Here are some interesting benchmarking observations for arrays of different dimensions (without considering the dimension names for simplifications), where multiple existing solutions to the posted questions are taken into account.

Disclaimer: We DON'T provide a conclusion which is the "best", but you (not limited to the OP but for everyone that might need this sort of functionality, i.e., indexing of multi-dimensional arrays) have the degree of freedom to define the one suits your purpose best.

Below is the benchmarking function with respect to the dimension argument of a random array


fbench <- function(dims) {
    # dummy data for test
    g <- array(sample(prod(dims)), dim = dims)

    # list of approaches
    expgrd <- function() {
        data.frame(expand.grid(lapply(dim(g), seq_len)), value = as.vector(g))

    arrind <- function() {
        data.frame(arrayInd(seq_along(g), dim(g)), value = as.vector(g))

    which0 <- function() {
        data.frame(which(array(TRUE, dim(g)), arr.ind = TRUE), value = as.vector(g))

    which1 <- function() {
        cbind(^ > 0, arr.ind = TRUE)), value = c(g))

    which2 <- function() {
        cbind( |, arr.ind = TRUE)), value = c(g))

    which3 <- function() {
        cbind(, "width") > -1, arr.ind = TRUE)), value = c(g))

    dftable0 <- function() {
        list2DF(lapply(, unclass))

    dftable1 <- function() {
        list2DF(lapply(, unclass))

    dttable <- function() {, sorted = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE)

    rem0 <- function() { + mapply(
            Reduce(`%/%`, dim(g)[-length(dim(g))], 0:(length(g) - 1), accumulate = TRUE),
        ), Value = as.vector(g)))

    rem1 <- function() {
        . <- 0:(length(g) - 1)
            1 +
                t(t(cbind(., outer(., cumprod(dim(g)[-length(dim(g))]), `%/%`))) %% dim(g)),
            Value = g

    reprep <- function() {
            \(i, j, n) rep(rep(1:i, each = j), length.out = n),
            c(1, cumprod(dim(g)[-length(dim(g))])),
        ), Value = list(as.vector(g))))

    # benchmarking module
    # benchmarking module
    mbm <- microbenchmark(
        times = 50L,
        check = "equivalent"

    boxplot(mbm, main = sprintf("dim = [%s]", toString(dims)), las = 2)

  1. For dim <- rep(5, 3), we run fbench(dims) and obtain enter image description here

  2. For dims <- rep(5, 4), we run fbench(dims) and obtain enter image description here

  3. For dims <- rep(5, 5), we run fbench(dims) and obtain enter image description here

  4. For dims <- rep(5, 6), we run fbench(dims) and obtain enter image description here

  5. For dims <- rep(5, 7), we run fbench(dims) and obtain enter image description here

  6. For dims <- rep(5, 8), we run fbench(dims) and obtain enter image description here

Taxiway answered 2/6, 2023 at 8:9 Comment(13)
My takeaway from this would be "dftable0 is usually pretty good"...Brentbrenton
@BenBolker well...I would say that the size of array matters to the performance, where dftable0 is always the middle-class regardless of the size :)Taxiway
I guess (1) I don't expect this component to be a significant performance bottleneck (2) dftable0 never seems to be terrible and (3) I prefer the list2DF solutions on aesthetic grounds ...Brentbrenton
Maybe you can add reshape2::melt and the variants using %% and %/% or rep?Genovera
@BenBolker Yes, that's fair enough :)Taxiway
@Genovera yes, added. Interesting that rep has such a strong performance! Cool!Taxiway
Thanks! Performance will change by size and might not be that important. But anyway nice comparison.Genovera
Now I'm thinking about adding the rep-based solution to gtools ...Brentbrenton
@BenBolker Fine to read that my code will maybe be used in gtools!Genovera
Hmm. I thought these would all preserve dimnames but apparently reprep doesn't ... ??Brentbrenton
@BenBolker Nope. none of the approaches for this benchmark will preserve the dimension names.Taxiway
I think that's not true - a <- array(1:8, dim = c(2,2,2), dimnames=list(d1 = letters[1:2], d2 = LETTERS[1:2], d3 = c("x", "y"))); is built-in, is never worst, and preserves dimnames and dimname-names ...Brentbrenton
@BenBolker Yes, you are right on that point. However, in this benchmark, I enforce all approaches to have an uniform output for the fair comparison, i.e., integer indexing manner, instead of dimension names. That's why is followed by unclass in my benchmarking script.Taxiway

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