I have a script that I need to find the full Distinguished name (CN=MyComputer, OU=Computers, DC=vw, DC=local
) of the computer it is running on, however I can not guarantee that the ActiveDirectory
module will be available on all computers that this script will be run on. Is there a way to get the current computer's full Distinguished name without using Get-ADComputer $Env:COMPUTERNAME
Just in case this is a XY problem, what I am trying to do is move the computer to a specific OU, but I need a way to get the ASDI entry for the computer I am running on.
[ADSI]$computer = ("LDAP://" + $localDN)
[ADSI]$destination = 'LDAP://ou=Production,ou=Computers,ou=VetWeb,dc=vw,dc=local'
[ADSI]$destination = 'LDAP://ou=Test,ou=Computers,ou=VetWeb,dc=vw,dc=local'
$computer = [ADSI](([adsisearcher]$filter).FindOne().Path)
and I could use it with myMoveTo
command. – Valaria