I'm using slick.js http://kenwheeler.github.io/slick/ to run through some slides, the last of which should toggle an alert.
After some ferreting around online and realizing that this should work without having to hard code the number of slides (and having seen this solution: Slick carousel. Want autoplay to play the slides once and stop ), I've got the following code:
var item_length = $('.slider > div').length - 1;
appendArrows : '.arrow-holder',
adaptiveHeight : true,
infinite : false,
onAfterChange: function(){
if( item_length == slider.slickCurrentSlide() ){
alert("Slide 2");
Unfortunately, nothing happens when I reach the last slide. Nor does it seem to if I do hard code in the last number, even taking into account the zero indexing.
I have no errors or warnings in the console, so am struggling to work out how to figure out the problem.