I have a grid with Ag-Grid and is working very well, but I needed put event click at a row with some specific condition(error condition callback). So when a click on the row the first time work as normal but the second time onwards get last time value and current value, so print the current value. Changing the order.
My template file:
<!-- <button (click)="setDataValue()">rowNode.setDataValue</button> -->
style="width: 100%; height: 450px;"
(rowSelected)="onRowSelected($event)" // ----------The FUNCTION----------
<div #anchorErrorMessage class="container">
class="alert alert-danger"
<h4 class="alert-heading">Erro de inconsistência!</h4>
<hr />
<li *ngFor="let error of rowErrorMessage">
{{ error }}
My .ts file
onRowSelected(event) {
this.rowErrorMessage = '';
this.rowErrorMessage = event.node.data.erros;
setTimeout(() => {
this.anchorErrorMessage.nativeElement.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth' });
}, 20);
My log:
So every time I click get the 2 values. pls help me.
event can be used instead – Cesaro