I'm working on a problem here where I have two vector objects in my code: one is a vector<string>
, and the other a vector<unsigned>
that I'm passing as a const ref to some function. I'm using these functions to find the minimum or maximum value out of one vector, but I need the index value of the minimum or maximum so that I can index into the other vector. My code looks something like this:
std::string getTopEmployee( const std::vector<std::string>& names, const std::vector<unsigned>& ratings ) {
// Find Largest Value in ratings
std::size_t largest = *std::max_element( ratings.begin(), ratings.end() );
// How to get the index?
// I do not need the largest value itself.
return names[index];
std::string getWorstEmployee( const std::vector<std::string>& names, const std::vector<unsigned>& ratings ) {
// Find Smallest Value in ratings
std::size_t smallest = *std::min_element( ratings.begin(), ratings.end() );
// How to get the index?
// I do not need the smallest value itself.
return names[index];
The two vectors passed into this function are of the same size: and we are assuming that there are no two values in the ratings
vector that are equal in value. Sorting the second vector is not an option.
return? You're not using them, instead you're dereferencing them. – Weeds