So I have a GraphQL server that I wrote in Go, following this tutorial pretty closely. I have my front-end written as a Next.js application, and I am currently trying to create a client to connect to my server and even following the subscription docs to the T, I cannot seem to get it to work. How is it that the examples provided do not include a webSocketImpl
If I don't provide a webSocketImpl
, I get this:
Error: WebSocket implementation missing; on Node you can `import WebSocket from 'ws';` and pass `webSocketImpl: WebSocket` to `createClient`
So, naturally, I import { WebSocket } from "ws";
, and have:
const wsLink = new GraphQLWsLink(
webSocketImpl: WebSocket,
url: "ws://localhost:8080/subscriptions",
Where I then get:
error - ./node_modules/node-gyp-build/index.js:1:0
Module not found: Can't resolve 'fs'
Here is the full code, basically all I need is to create a ApolloClient and export it for use in my React code.
import { ApolloClient, HttpLink, InMemoryCache, split } from "@apollo/client";
import { GraphQLWsLink } from "@apollo/client/link/subscriptions";
import { createClient } from "graphql-ws";
import { getMainDefinition } from "@apollo/client/utilities";
import { WebSocket } from "ws";
const wsLink = new GraphQLWsLink(
webSocketImpl: WebSocket,
url: "ws://localhost:8080/subscriptions",
const httpLink = new HttpLink({
uri: `http://localhost:8080/query`,
const link = split(
({ query }) => {
const def = getMainDefinition(query);
return (
def.kind === "OperationDefinition" && def.operation === "subscription"
export const Client = new ApolloClient({
cache: new InMemoryCache(),
Am I totally missing something here? Is there not a default WebSocket implementation in my installation? Obviously the "ws"
implementation isn't cutting it, probably because fs
is not available in-browser?