You need to disable interrupts to ensure atomic access. You don't want any other process to access and potentially modify that variable while you're reading it.
From Introduction to Embedded Computing:
The Need for Atomic Access
Imagine this scenario: foreground program, running on an 8-bit uC,
needs to examine a 16-bit variable, call it X. So it loads the high
byte and then loads the low byte (or the other way around, the order
doesn’t matter), and then examines the 16-bit value. Now imagine an
interrupt with an associated ISR that modifies that 16-bit variable.
Further imagine that the value of the variable happens to be 0x1234 at
a given time in the program execution. Here is the Very Bad Thing
that can happen:
- foreground loads high byte (0x12)
- ISR occurs, modifies X to 0xABCD
- foreground loads low byte (0xCD)
- foreground program sees a 16-bit value of 0x12CD.
The problem is that a supposedly indivisible piece of data, our
variable X, was actually modified in the process of accessing it,
because the CPU instructions to access the variable were divisible.
And thus our load of variable X has been corrupted. You can see that
the order of the variable read does not matter. If the order were
reversed in our example, the variable would have been incorrectly read
as 0xAB34 instead of 0x12CD. Either way, the value read is neither
the old valid value (0x1234) nor the new valid value (0xABCD).
Writing ISR-referenced data is no better. This time assume that the
foreground program has written, for the benefit of the ISR, the
previous value 0x1234, and then needs to write a new value 0xABCD. In
this case, the VBT is as follows:
- foreground stores new high byte (0xAB)
- ISR occurs, reads X as 0xAB34
- foreground stores new low byte (0xCD)
Once again the code (this time the ISR) sees neither the previous
valid value of 0x1234, nor the new valid value of 0xABCD, but rather
the invalid value of 0xAB34.
While spiTxRxByteCount &= ~0x0100;
may look like a single instruction in C, it is actually several instructions to the CPU. Compiled in GCC, the assembly listing looks like so:
57:atomic.c **** spiTxRxByteCount &= ~0x0100;
68 .loc 1 57 0
69 004d A1000000 movl _spiTxRxByteCount, %eax
69 00
70 0052 80E4FE andb $254, %ah
71 0055 A3000000 movl %eax, _spiTxRxByteCount
71 00
If an interrupt comes in in-between any of those instructions and modifies the data, your first ISR can potentially read the wrong value. So you need to disable interrupts before you operate on it and also declare the variable volatile