bad news this morning, I was willing to try and use Leksah (nice looking application by the way) for continuing learning haskell.
I couldnt compile the "Hello World" example I found reading the leksah tutorial.
module Main (
main = putStrLn "Hello World"
) where
compilation-error: src\Main.hs:16:5: parse error on input
module Main (
) where
main = putStrLn "Hello World"
compilation-error: src\Main.hs:1:0: The main function
main' is not exported by module Main'
What would you advise me to try something else ?
IMPORTANT EDIT: Now Leksah is shipped with a file Main.hs, loaded directly the first time you launch leksah, that contains a fully functionnal Hello World mini project. It has also minimalist unit test counter part. Great for beginners :-)