Hi i want to send message from bot in specific time (without message from me), for example every Saturday morning at 8:00am. Here is my code:
import telebot
import config
from datetime import time, date, datetime
bot = telebot.TeleBot(config.bot_token)
@bot.message_handler(commands=['start', 'help'])
def print_hi(message):
bot.send_message(message.chat.id, 'Hi!')
@bot.message_handler(func=lambda message: False) #cause there is no message
def saturday_message():
now = datetime.now()
if (now.date().weekday() == 5) and (now.time() == time(8,0)):
bot.send_message(chat_id, 'Wake up!')
But ofc that's not working. Tried with
urlopen("https://api.telegram.org/bot" +bot_id+ "/sendMessage?chat_id=" +chat_id+ "&text="+msg)
but again no result. Have no idea what to do, help please with advice.