trying to understand React-Redux, i find it unusual that all my components get new props when ever any slice of the state get changed. so is this by design or i'm doing something wrong ?
example App
class App extends React.Component {
render(){return (
<Navbar data={this.props.navbar} />
<Content data={this.props.content} />
select (state) => ({ navbar:state.navbar, content:state.content});
export default connect(select)(App);
export const NavbarForm = props => {
console.log('RENDERING with props--->',props);
return (<h1>NAV {}</h1>);
export const ContentForm = props => {
console.log('RENDERING CONTENT with props--->',props);
return (<h1>CONTENT {}</h1>);
const placeholderReducer = (state={val:0},action)=>{
//will update val to current time if action start with test/;
if(action.type.indexOf('TEST/') === 0)return {;}
return state;
export const rootReducer = combineReducers({
content: (state,action)=>(state || {}), //**this will never do a thing.. so content should never updates right !!**
const store = createStore(rootReducer, {}, applyMiddleware(thunk));
render( <Provider store={store}> <App /></Provider>, document.getElementById('app')
setInterval(()=>{ store.dispatch(()=>{type:'TEST/BOOM'}) },3000);
okay in this app, what i expect is that Navbar component will get updated every 3000ms while content component will never updates because its reducer will always return the same state.
yet i find it really strange that both components does reRender every time an action is fired.
is this by design ? should i worry about performance if my app has 100+ component ?
then set your state... To know more about it , read here – Preoccupiedrender
doesn't necessarily mean change the DOM. It means run the render algorithm that will check if the DOM needs to be updated. So thatrender
operation may be sub-millisecond. Also, check out the new React.PureComponent – Communism