I am trying to read JSON file from asset folder. But I get the following exception:
org.json.JSONException: Expected literal value at character 550
I searched lot of stuff but didn't find anything relevant. Here is my JSON file:
"resultCount": 3,
"SearchedTerm": "Wada Pav",
"results": [
"locationname": "Mahableshwar Hotel",
"locationid": "12345",
"locationaddress" : "baner, Pune",
"dishrating": "4",
"dishname": "Wada Pav",
"dishid": "234",
"dishcategory": "Snacks",
"dishnotes": "Spicy Wada Pav",
"dishtotalvotes": "9999",
"friendslistvoted": {
"friendscount": "3",
"names": ["Santosh","Sandip","Arvind"],
"dishimageurl": "http://xxx.yyy.zzz/mahableshwar/2.jpg",
"mylastrating": "4"
I find JSON object on 550 is "names": ["Santosh","Sandip","Arvind"],
. I am trying to solve it but don't know what happens in my code. Here is my code:
try {
input = assetManager.open("dishum-sample-search-results-json.txt");
int size = input.available();
byte[] buffer = new byte[size];
// byte buffer into a string
String text = new String(buffer);
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(text);
JSONObject searchedTerm = jsonObject.getJSONObject(TAG_SEARCHEDTERM);
JSONArray results = searchedTerm.getJSONArray(TAG_RESULTS);
for(int i=0; i<results.length(); i++)
JSONObject dishResult = results.getJSONObject(i);
String locationName = dishResult.getString(TAG_lOCATIONNAME);
int locationId = dishResult.getInt(TAG_LOCATIONID);
String locationAddress = dishResult.getString(TAG_LOCATIONADDRESS);
String dishNotes = dishResult.getString(TAG_DISHNOTES);
int dishRating = dishResult.getInt(TAG_DISHRATING);
JSONObject friendListVoted = dishResult.getJSONObject(TAG_FRIENDLISTVOTED);
int friendCount = friendListVoted.getInt(TAG_FRIENDCOUNT);
map.put(TAG_lOCATIONNAME, locationName);
map.put(TAG_LOCATIONID, String.valueOf(locationId));
map.put(TAG_LOCATIONADDRESS, locationAddress);
map.put(TAG_DISHNOTES, dishNotes);
map.put(TAG_DISHRATING, String.valueOf(dishRating));
map.put(TAG_FRIENDCOUNT, String.valueOf(friendCount));
// adding HashList to ArrayList
catch(JSONException e)
Toast.makeText(this, "Error in parsing json file"+e, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
I also debug my code but when control goes on JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(text);
it throw exception and goes in first catch block. How can I solve this problem?