I've Been Recently Learning Computer Vision using python, and when making a hand detector project, I encountered this error :-
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\Users\idhant\OneDrive - 007lakshya\Idhant\Programming\Projects\MY MACHINE
LEARNING PROJECTS\Hand Tracking Module.py", line 64, in <module>
File "c:\Users\idhant\OneDrive - 007lakshya\Idhant\Programming\Projects\MY MACHINE
LEARNING PROJECTS\Hand Tracking Module.py", line 41, in main
detector = handDetector()
File "c:\Users\idhant\OneDrive - 007lakshya\Idhant\Programming\Projects\MY MACHINE
LEARNING PROJECTS\Hand Tracking Module.py", line 13, in __init__
self.hands = self.mpHands.Hands(self.mode, self.maxHands, self.detectionCon,
File "C:\Users\idhant\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\site-
packages\mediapipe\python\solutions\hands.py", line 114, in __init__
File "C:\Users\idhant\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\site-
packages\mediapipe\python\solution_base.py", line 258, in __init__
self._input_side_packets = {
File "C:\Users\idhant\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\site-
packages\mediapipe\python\solution_base.py", line 259, in <dictcomp>
name: self._make_packet(self._side_input_type_info[name], data)
File "C:\Users\idhant\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\site-
packages\mediapipe\python\solution_base.py", line 513, in _make_packet
return getattr(packet_creator, 'create_' + packet_data_type.value)(data)
TypeError: create_int(): incompatible function arguments. The following argument types
are supported:
1. (arg0: int) -> mediapipe.python._framework_bindings.packet.Packet
Invoked with: 0.5
[ WARN:0] global D:\a\opencv-python\opencv-
python\opencv\modules\videoio\src\cap_msmf.cpp (438) `anonymous-
namespace'::SourceReaderCB::~SourceReaderCB terminating async callback
And I tried Very Much Debugging it, But Not Successfull :(, So Please Help me, Here's The Code That I've Written:-
import cv2
import mediapipe as mp
import time
class handDetector():
def __init__(self, mode=False, maxHands = 2, detectionCon=0.5, trackCon = 0.5):
self.mode = mode
self.maxHands = maxHands
self.detectionCon = detectionCon
self.trackCon = trackCon
self.mpHands = mp.solutions.hands
self.hands = self.mpHands.Hands(self.mode, self.maxHands, self.detectionCon,
self.mpDraw = mp.solutions.drawing_utils
def findHands(self, img, draw=True):
imgRGB = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
results = self.hands.process(imgRGB)
# print(results.multi_hand_landmarks)
if results.multi_hand_landmarks:
for handLms in results.multi_hand_landmarks:
if draw:
self.mpDraw.draw_landmarks(img, handLms, self.mpHands.HAND_CONNECTIONS)
return img
# for id, lm in enumerate(handLms.landmark):
# # print(id, lm)
# h, w, c = img.shape
# cx, cy = int(lm.x*w), int(lm.y*h)
# print(id, cx, cy)
# # if id == 4:
# cv2.circle(img, (cx, cy), 15, (255,0,255), cv2.FILLED)
def main():
pTime = 0
cTime = 0
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
detector = handDetector()
while True:
success, img = cap.read()
img = detector.findHands(img)
cTime = time.time()
fps = 1/(cTime-pTime)
pTime = cTime
cv2.putText(img, str(int(fps)),(10, 70), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 3, (255,0,255),3)
cv2.imshow("Image", img)
if __name__ == "__main__":
I've Tried Making A Class of Hand Detector, Which Does the same thing to detect hand but we can also use it in our other files, That's why I've written this code, and encountered this issue!
self.modelComplex = modelComplexity
will work default but after define manually it work perfectly. – Danelle