I had no luck with the other methods. Thought I would share my method that I used for a once-off throwaway script.
It uses auto-responder to type in passwords at the prompts. I then immediately expire all the passwords so that users have a chance to choose their own.
This is not the most secure method, but depending on your use case it may be useful.
from collections import namedtuple
from getpass import getpass
import hashlib
from invoke import Responder
import uuid
from fabric import Connection, Config
User = namedtuple('UserRecord', ('name', 'password'))
def set_passwords(conn, user):
print(f'Setting password for user, {user.name}')
responder = Responder(
pattern=r'(?:Enter|Retype) new UNIX password:',
result = conn.sudo(f'passwd {user.name}', warn=True, hide='both',
user='root', pty=True, watchers = [responder])
if result.exited is not 0:
print(f'Error, could not set password for user, "{user.name}". command: '
f'{result.command}; exit code: {result.exited}; stderr: '
print(f'Successfully set password for {user.name}')
def expire_passwords(conn, user):
print(f'Expiring password for user, {user.name}')
cmd = f'passwd --expire {user.name}'
result = conn.sudo(cmd, warn=True, user='root')
if result.exited is not 0:
print(f'Error, could not expire password for user, "{user.name}". '
f'command: {result.command}; exit code: {result.exited}; stderr: '
print(f'Successfully expired password for {user.name}')
def gen_password(seed_string):
# Don't roll your own crypto. This is for demonstration only and it is
# expected to only create a temporary password that requires changing upon
# initial login. I am no cryptography expert, hence this alternative
# simplified answer to the one that uses crypt, salt, etc -
# https://mcmap.net/q/1239763/-change-unix-password-from-command-line-over-python-fabric.
seed_str_enc = seed_string.encode(encoding='UTF-8')
uuid_obj = uuid.UUID(int=int(hashlib.md5(seed_str_enc).hexdigest(), 16))
return str(uuid_obj)[:8]
def some_function_that_returns_something_secret(conn):
return f'dummy-seed-{conn}'
sudo_pass = getpass('Enter your sudo password:')
config = Config(overrides={'sudo': {'password': sudo_pass}})
with Connection('vm', config=config) as vm_conn:
print(f'Making a new connection to {vm_conn.host}.')
# I usually use the sudo connection here to run a command that returns a
# reproducible string that only the sudo user could get access to be used
# for user_record.password bellow. Proceed with caution, this is not a
# recommended approach
seed = some_function_that_returns_something_secret(vm_conn)
user_record = User(name='linux_user', password=gen_password(seed))
set_passwords(vm_conn, user_record)
expire_passwords(vm_conn, user_record)
print(f'Done! Disconnecting from {vm_conn.host}.')
# So that you know the temporary password, print user_record or save to file
# `ssh linux_user@vm` and it should insist that you change password
usermod -p
is "The encrypted password, as returned by crypt(3)" using SHA-512 not the plaintext. The caveat in the usermod page is equivalent to saying "you'd be putting the (normally hidden) hashed content of /etc/shadow in the process table for a brief time", which depending on your security requirements, may not be all that revealing. – Cartwheel