I recommend Mistic's work. Pros of this choice:
- if you don't use Bootstrap, you can always extract the only classes used by the plugin and merge them in query.builder.css, modifing them as you need it.
- I've tested it with other plugins with no problem like jquery MultiSelect and jquery TimePicker
- there's an option to disable subgroups. if you want only a two level structure (no subgroups of subgroups), you can use an event to hide the group button after creating a new group rule.
- You can easily parse JSON in PHP. Put the case you call $('#builder').builder('getRules') in your client code and you assign the result to a variable c, which you'll post as you want:
$operators = array('equal' => "=",
'not_equal' => "!=",
'in' => "IN (?)",
'not_in' => "NOT IN (_REP_)",
'less' => "<",
'less_or_equal' => "<=",
'greater' => ">",
'greater_or_equal' => ">=",
'begins_with' => "ILIKE",
'not_begins_with' => "NOT ILIKE",
'contains' => "ILIKE",
'not_contains' => "NOT ILIKE",
'ends_with' => "ILIKE",
'not_ends_with' => "NOT ILIKE",
'is_empty' => "=''",
'is_not_empty' => "!=''",
'is_null' => "IS NULL",
'is_not_null' => "IS NOT NULL");
$jsonResult = array("data" => array());
$getAllResults = false;
$conditions = null;
$result = "";
$params = array();
$conditions = json_decode(utf8_encode($_POST['c']), true);
if(!array_key_exists('condition', $conditions)) {
$getAllResults = true;
} else {
$global_bool_operator = $conditions['condition'];
// i contatori servono per evitare di ripetere l'operatore booleano
// alla fine del ciclo se non ci sono più condizioni
$counter = 0;
$total = count($conditions['rules']);
foreach($conditions['rules'] as $index => $rule) {
if(array_key_exists('condition', $rule)) {
$result .= parseGroup($rule, $params);
if($counter < $total)
$result .= " $global_bool_operator ";
} else {
$result .= parseRule($rule, $params);
if($counter < $total)
$result .= " $global_bool_operator ";
* Parse a group of conditions */
function parseGroup($rule, &$param) {
$parseResult = "(";
$bool_operator = $rule['condition'];
// counters to avoid boolean operator at the end of the cycle
// if there are no more conditions
$counter = 0;
$total = count($rule['rules']);
foreach($rule['rules'] as $i => $r) {
if(array_key_exists('condition', $r)) {
$parseResult .= "\n".parseGroup($r, $param);
} else {
$parseResult .= parseRule($r, $param);
if($counter < $total)
$parseResult .= " ".$bool_operator." ";
return $parseResult.")";
* Parsing of a single condition */
function parseRule($rule, &$param) {
global $fields, $operators;
$parseResult = "";
$parseResult .= $fields[$rule['id']]." ";
if(isLikeOp($rule['operator'])) {
$parseResult .= setLike($rule['operator'], $rule['value'], $param);
} else {
$param[] = array($rule['type'][0] => $rule['value']);
$parseResult .= $operators[$rule['operator']]." ?";
return $parseResult;