Does anyone have any information on the industry-standard or best practice for checking matching passwords (e.g. Gmail's "passwords do not match" feedback")? Is it a back-end, front-end or client-side process? Or is it completely based on other factors?
Here is an example of the code that I am using (Python with Bottle) to sign up a user. The code works, but I am unsure whether I should provide a flash message from the back-end (where it returns "Passwords do not match") or would it be better to use something like JS? I know that there are scripts out there to validate this, but they are all JS. My question is not how to do it with JS, but which is the preferred method.
@route('/suser', method='POST')
def sign_suser():
cemail = request.forms.get('semail')
cpassword1 = request.forms.get('spass1')
cpassword2 = request.forms.get('spass2')
ctype = request.forms.get('stype')
if cpassword1 != cpassword2:
return "<p>Passwords do not match</p>"
pwhash = crypt(cpassword1)
connection = sqlite3.connect("whatever.db")
cursor_v = connection.cursor()
cursor_v.execute("insert into users (cemail, cpassword, atype) values (?,?,?)", (cemail,pwhash,ctype))
info = {'status': 'User Added',
'type': 'success'}
return template('whatever',info)