how do I get images of a product to show in pdf?
I have this code in view file
<div id="img-slide">
<% for asset in @car.assets %>
<%= image_tag(asset.asset.url(:medium)) %>
<% end %>
and it shows all images for this car.
but if I use the same code in show.pdf.erb then instead of images I got only question marks.. like the image missing thing. So, is there a way to get them on paper? Thanks.
p.s. there is what console is showing
Asset Load (0.2ms) SELECT `assets`.* FROM `assets` WHERE (`assets`.car_id = 29)
Carmodel Load (0.2ms) SELECT `carmodels`.* FROM `carmodels` WHERE `carmodels`.`id` = 28 LIMIT 1
Rendered cars/show.pdf.erb (255.2ms)
"***************/usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf -q - - ***************"
<%= pdf_image_tag('/public/system/assets/163/medium/2011_lincoln_navigator_l_angularfront.jpg', :style=>"margin:0px;padding:0px", :width=>"300", :height=>"240")%>
this code shows how the link should look like in html, with this code I can render one photo of the car, but it will be the same for all cars, so I didn't do much.
the 163 number is the id of assets that is assigned to car, here I keep one image with more sizes(thumb, medium, large..) and I got 5 maps with different numbers for one car. So I have lots of maps with numberes like this as I have at least 5 photos for each car. each car have 5 assets. In show.html I can see them, but not in pdf. I did put this in application helper:
def pdf_image_tag(image, options = {})
options[:src] = File.expand_path(RAILS_ROOT) + '' + image
tag(:img, options)
but this is only for images that you have on your server and will be the same for all cars, how can I get at least one image of each car to show in pdf? Pleaseeeee. help!!!