I'm working with the android MediaStore. I can get a list of music on the device, and all the details associated with each media item (title, artist, duration, etc.)
I would like to be able to show a list of Albums, with their Album Artist.
To be clear, each track has an Artist, like "NoFX" but if the track occurs on a compilation CD, like Punk-O-Rama, the Artist is "NoFX" but the Album Artist would probably be something like "Various Artists."
I have reviewed the question here:
Android - Getting Album Artist from Cursor
and I'm trying to implement with MediaStore.Audio.Albums.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI and MediaStore.Audio.Albums.ARTIST. This doesn't seem to return the correct result, however.
Looking at the Android source code, I can see there IS in fact an album_artist field behind MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, but it's flagged "@hide". (see line ~1170 at https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/refs/heads/master/core/java/android/provider/MediaStore.java).
I found this field looking through other [related] Android source code: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/development/+/master/apps/Development/src/com/android/development/MediaScannerActivity.java
I've written a simple app/activity to test this:
package com.ma.albumartisttest;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.provider.MediaStore;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.SparseArray;
import android.widget.TextView;
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// query all media and get the album_artist field
Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(
new String[]{MediaStore.Audio.Media.ALBUM_ID, "album_artist"}, null, null, null);
// Store an id=>name map
SparseArray<String> albumArtistNames = new SparseArray<String>();
if (cursor != null) {
for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) {
String mediaAlbumArtist = cursor.getString(1);
if (mediaAlbumArtist != null && mediaAlbumArtist.toLowerCase().contains("various")) {
// loop through the cursor, save "album_artist"s that look like "various"
albumArtistNames.put((int) cursor.getLong(0), mediaAlbumArtist);
String msg;
if (albumArtistNames.size() == 0) {
msg = "No 'various' artists found!";
} else {
StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < albumArtistNames.size(); i++) {
// loop through the albums found above
int albumId = albumArtistNames.keyAt(i);
String album_artist = albumArtistNames.get(albumId);
Cursor albumCursor = getContentResolver().query(
new String[]{MediaStore.Audio.Albums._ID, MediaStore.Audio.Albums.ARTIST},
MediaStore.Audio.Albums._ID + "=?",
new String[]{"" + albumId}, null);
if (albumCursor != null) {
if (albumCursor.moveToFirst()) {
// print out what was found.
String artistFromAlbumsDB = albumCursor.getString(1);
Log.d("TESTALBUMARTIST", album_artist + ":" + artistFromAlbumsDB);
out.append("Album id: " + albumId).append('\n')
.append("Artist from media table: " + album_artist).append('\n')
.append("Artist from albums table: " + artistFromAlbumsDB)
msg = out.toString();
// show the results on-screen
TextView tv = new TextView(this);
This activity produces the following logcat output:
12-20 14:16:45.688 22009-22009/com.ma.albumartisttest D/TESTALBUMARTIST﹕ Various Artists:Mike Garson
12-20 14:16:45.708 22009-22009/com.ma.albumartisttest D/TESTALBUMARTIST﹕ Various Artists:Franco Corelli
12-20 14:16:45.728 22009-22009/com.ma.albumartisttest D/TESTALBUMARTIST﹕ Various Artists:The Foreshadowing
12-20 14:16:45.748 22009-22009/com.ma.albumartisttest D/TESTALBUMARTIST﹕ Various Artists - Polyvinyl Record Co:Volcano, I'm Still Excited!!
12-20 14:16:45.778 22009-22009/com.ma.albumartisttest D/TESTALBUMARTIST﹕ Various Artists - Curve Music:GRAND:PM
12-20 14:16:45.808 22009-22009/com.ma.albumartisttest D/TESTALBUMARTIST﹕ Various Artists - DiN:Ian Boddy
12-20 14:16:45.828 22009-22009/com.ma.albumartisttest D/TESTALBUMARTIST﹕ Various Artists:SNFU
12-20 14:16:45.858 22009-22009/com.ma.albumartisttest D/TESTALBUMARTIST﹕ Various Artists:Pulley
12-20 14:16:45.878 22009-22009/com.ma.albumartisttest D/TESTALBUMARTIST﹕ Various Artists:Osker
12-20 14:16:45.908 22009-22009/com.ma.albumartisttest D/TESTALBUMARTIST﹕ Various Artists:Pennywise
12-20 14:16:45.938 22009-22009/com.ma.albumartisttest D/TESTALBUMARTIST﹕ Various Artists:NoFX
12-20 14:16:45.958 22009-22009/com.ma.albumartisttest D/TESTALBUMARTIST﹕ Various Artists:Death By Stereo
12-20 14:16:45.978 22009-22009/com.ma.albumartisttest D/TESTALBUMARTIST﹕ Various Artists (Sillage Intemporel):Sheri Malckin
I'm running this on a Nexus 7 running 4.4.2. I've also tested and seen the same behavior on a Huawei Prism II running 4.1.1
Why doesn't the straightforward and not "hidden" way of getting Album Artists work?
What I expect is that the Album queries also return "Various Artists".
All help is appreciated.