Any idea how to make the Java Swing file chooser look better on 2K displays where the windows font scaling is > 125%?
I am using ordinary code such as:
JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser();
if (settings.currentdir != null)
fc.setCurrentDirectory(new File(settings.currentdir));
int returnVal = fc.showOpenDialog((Window) holder);
if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
But the file chooser is only displaying tiny icons for the listed files and directories. I am using JDK 8. What is going wrong?
P.S.: Scope of the question is only Windows, not Unixes. On Windows, the two default L&F, they scale the font. But they don't scale icons. The application has to do that, since it might use a different bitmap resources for higher scales. It seems that JFileChooser is not coded this way.
But it might be that the JFileChooser can be instructed to do so. I don't see that the other question addresses icon size and the JFileChooser on Windows: How to set the DPI of Java Swing apps on Windows/Linux? The other question deals with font size, which is not an issue for the JFileChooser on Windows with one of the two Windows L&F.