I am trying to use onViewableItemsChanged event to detect the items of my FlatList that are currently displayed on screen.
In my ViewabilityConfig (Code is provided below), I set the itemVisiblePercentThreshold parameter to 100 which I assumed will require my item to be fully displayed to be considered viewable. However that is not the case for me.
As you can see in the following screenshot: Screenshot of my App
It is obvious that the top most item is not completely on screen (Which should make the visible items consist only of 3 items). But when I print the length of the array in my onViewableItemsChanged event handler, it returns 4 (and when I inspect the values, including the top most item).
Log Result of Viewable Items Array Length
Is this the problem of FlatList onViewableItemsChanged event? Or did I implemented it incorrectly?
I tried to find solution from the documentation and React-native github but there is no further explanation about how this event works.
Some related snippets of my code are as follow:
FlatList Definition
data = {this.props.clippingResultArray}
ref={(ref) => this.clippingResultFlatList = ref}
// flexGrow:0,
// backgroundColor: 'green',
// width:'100%',
// width: Dimensions.get('window').width,
// justifyContent:'flex-end',
// flexGrow:0,
// flexDirection:'row',
// alignItems:'flex-end',
keyExtractor={(item, index) => index.toString()}
// removeClippedSubviews={true}
onViewableItemsChanged Listener
onClippingListViewableChanged = (info) => {
console.log("***************************NUMBER OF CURRENT VIEWABLE ITEMS:",info.viewableItems.length);
console.log("Item list:",info.viewableItems);
viewableItems: info.viewableItems,
Viewable Configuration
this.clippingListViewabilityConfig = {
waitForInteraction: false,
itemVisiblePercentThreshold: 100,
minimumViewTime: 500, //In milliseconds
. My understanding isinverted
is implemented by applying ascaleY(-1)
to the entire list and thenscaleY(-1)
to each item. I'm curious if this might be part of what's causing the issue. – Unleash