So I'm trying to unit test a bloc
My test is simple
test("When loading patients, bloc should emmit [Loading], [OwnersLoaded]", (){
var owners = [Owner(id: "TestId")];
when (mockPatientsRepository.getOwnersForCurrentPractice()).thenAnswer((_)=>Future.value(owners));
final List<PatientsState> expected = [patientsBloc.initialState, Loading(), OwnersLoaded(owners)];
//assert later
expectLater(patientsBloc, emitsInOrder(expected));
Owners does override equals and hash
My error message
Expected: should do the following in order:
• emit an event that <Instance of 'InitialPatientsState'>
• emit an event that <Instance of 'Loading'>
• emit an event that <Instance of 'OwnersLoaded'>
Actual: <Instance of 'PatientsBloc'>
Which: emitted • Instance of 'InitialPatientsState'
• Instance of 'Loading'
• Instance of 'OwnersLoaded'
which didn't emit an event that <Instance of 'InitialPatientsState'>
So it says it emitted the initial state, but didn't?