Given an elevation map consisting of lat/lon/elevation pairs, what is the fastest way to find all points above a given elevation level (or better yet, just the the 2D concave hull)?
I'm working on a GIS app where I need to render an overlay on top of a map to visually indicate regions that are of higher elevation; it's determining this polygon/region that has me stumped (for now). I have a simple array of lat/lon/elevation pairs (more specifically, the GTOPO30 DEM files), but I'm free to transform that into any data structure that you would suggest.
We've been pointed toward Triangulated Irregular Networks (TINs), but I'm not sure how to efficiently query that data once we've generated the TIN. I wouldn't be surprised if our problem could be solved similarly to how one would generate a contour map, but I don't have any experience with it. Any suggestions would be awesome.