I have gone through the instructions provided by Ted on this group. When I put in the following, with my path to the .app:
./fruitstrap -d -b <full_path_to_your_xcode_project_directory>/Frank/frankified_build/<app_name>.app
It looks like everything works, it displays that it's copying files to the device, and it gets to 49%, but then I get this:
[ 52%] CreatingStagingDirectory
[ 57%] ExtractingPackage
[ 60%] InspectingPackage
AMDeviceInstallApplication failed: -402653103
I searched online, and I found this forum and it's saying that the certificates or provisioning profiles are wrong. I have a provisioning profile and I can run the app on the device not through fruitstrap, so I don't believe that something is up with my provisioning profiles.
--------- Update ---------
Okay, I've made a little progress. I am still stuck, but this is my problem now.
If I run a build that is stored here:
I get the "Segmentation fault: 11" under "------- Debug Phase -------". That isn't exactly my problem (not yet at least), because this will run on my device. But I cannot run my Frankified.app build which is stored here:
This is what I get when I try to run that (./fruitstrap -d -b ...):
[ 70%] VerifyingApplication
AMDeviceInstallApplication failed: -402620388
After some Googling I found that that number means this: Could not copy validate signature
I would appreciate any suggestions on what I might be able to try. Thank you!
I checked the codesigning on my Frankified.app like this:
codesign -dvvv ./Frankified.app/
And saw that it was not signed. So I code signed the Frankified.app build like this:
codesign -v --sign "iPhone Distribution: Joe Developer" /path/to/app
But I still get this:
AMDeviceInstallApplication failed: -402620391 # This is a different error code than the others
I changed the specified architecture from arm7
to armv7
and it works. This is how I build the app:
xcodebuild -xcconfig Frank/frankify.xcconfig clean build -arch armv7 -configuration Debug -sdk iphoneos DEPLOYMENT_LOCATION=YES DSTROOT="~/Documents/Workspace/Frank-Fruitstrap/Frank/frankified_build/" FRANK_LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS="~/Documents/Workspace/Frank-Fruitstrap/Frank\""
I can now launch the app onto the device, but when I try to run the tests they all fail when they pass if I run the same tests on the simulator.
I got my ip address from my ipad, and I put http://:37265/screenshot in my browser and it displays a valid screenshot from the app. When I do http://:37265/dump it dumps out all the correct data about the current view.