I have been on a CRM 2011 project that uses a lot of custom views.
I recently figured it out that all lookup custom views are only working properly in the internet explorer. When I try using google chrome (Version 51.0.2704.84 m) it simple does not work.
I googled without luck.
Is anyone aware about how to solve that issue?
I'm sure many of you have faced the same problem.
Here is my code. I emphasize that it works like a charm in IE.
var viewId = "{1DFB2B35-B07C-44D1-868D-258DEEAB88E1}";
var entityName = "tz_tipodefrete";
var viewDisplayName = "Tipos de Frete Disponíveis";
var fetchXml =
"<fetch distinct='false' mapping='logical' output-format='xml-platform' version='1.0'>" +
"<entity name='tz_tipodefrete'>" +
"<attribute name='tz_name'/>" +
"<order descending='false' attribute='tz_ordem'/>" +
"<filter type='and'>";
if (filtrar)
fetchXml = fetchXml + "<condition attribute='tz_name' value='Cliente Retira e instala no CT' operator='ne'/>";
fetchXml = fetchXml +
"<condition attribute='statecode' value='0' operator='eq'/>" +
"</filter>" +
"</entity>" +
// build Grid Layout
var layoutXml = "<grid name='resultset' object='1' jump='tz_name' select='1' icon='1' preview='1'>" +
"<row name='result' id='tz_tipodefreteid'>" +
"<cell name='tz_name' width='600' />" +
"</row>" +
Xrm.Page.getControl("tz_tipodefrete").addCustomView(viewId, entityName, viewDisplayName, fetchXml, layoutXml, true);
//Desabilita a opção do usuário trocar de view. Provável que pare de funcionar na migração para versão 2015
document.getElementById("tz_tipodefrete").setAttribute("disableViewPicker", "1");