I have two cells with different heights. When I remove the first one, the second one gets the height of the first one
Asked Answered



Some context

In this screen you can add and remove people. Not all fields are required, so the cell height is dynamic.

The problem

If I add first a person with all the fields completed, then a second person with not all fields completed, and then I remove the first person, the second person takes the first place but with the layout of the first person


After I remove the first person, if I scroll up until the remaining cell is off screen, then it fixes itself


This is the table source

namespace xXxx.xXxx.iOS
    public class SiniestroParticipantesSource : MvxTableViewSource
        private readonly SiniestroParticipantesViewModel viewModel;

        public SiniestroParticipantesSource(UITableView tableView, SiniestroParticipantesViewModel viewModel)
            : base(tableView)
            this.UseAnimations = true;
            this.AddAnimation = UITableViewRowAnimation.Top;
            this.RemoveAnimation = UITableViewRowAnimation.Middle;
            this.viewModel = viewModel;

            tableView.RegisterNibForCellReuse(UINib.FromName(PersonaDenunciaCellView.Key, NSBundle.MainBundle), PersonaDenunciaCellView.Key);

        public override void RowSelected(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
            tableView.DeselectRow(indexPath, true);
            var itemPersona = this.viewModel.Personas[indexPath.Section];

        protected override UITableViewCell GetOrCreateCellFor(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath, object item)
            var cell = (PersonaDenunciaCellView)tableView.DequeueReusableCell(PersonaDenunciaCellView.Key, indexPath);
            return cell;

        public override nint RowsInSection(UITableView tableview, nint section)
            return 1;

        public override nint NumberOfSections(UITableView tableView)
            return this.viewModel.Personas.Count;

        protected override object GetItemAt(NSIndexPath indexPath)
            return this.viewModel.Personas[indexPath.Section];

This is the cell view

namespace xXxx.xXxx.iOS
    public partial class PersonaDenunciaCellView : MvxTableViewCell
        public static readonly NSString Key = new NSString("PersonaDenunciaCellView");
        public static readonly UINib Nib;

        static PersonaDenunciaCellView()
            Nib = UINib.FromName("PersonaDenunciaCellView", NSBundle.MainBundle);

        protected PersonaDenunciaCellView(IntPtr handle) : base(handle)

            this.DelayBind(() =>
                var set = this.CreateBindingSet<PersonaDenunciaCellView, PersonaDenunciaItemViewModel>();

                set.Bind(btnRemove).To(vm => vm.RemoveCommand);

                set.Bind(lblNombre).To(vm => vm.Persona.Persona.Nombre);

                set.Bind(lblTipoDoc).To(vm => vm.Persona.Persona.TipoDoc.Descripcion);
                set.Bind(tipoDocVisibilityConst).For("Priority").To(vm => vm.Persona.Persona.Nrodoc).WithConversion("iOSVisibility", true);

                set.Bind(lblNrodoc).To(vm => vm.Persona.Persona.Nrodoc);
                set.Bind(nroDocVisibilityConst).For("Priority").To(vm => vm.Persona.Persona.Nrodoc).WithConversion("iOSVisibility", true);

                set.Bind(lblMailContacto).To(vm => vm.Persona.MailContacto);
                set.Bind(mailContactoVisibilityConst).For("Priority").To(vm => vm.Persona.MailContacto).WithConversion("iOSVisibility", true);

                set.Bind(lblTelContacto).To(vm => vm.Persona.TelContacto);
                set.Bind(telContactoVisibilityConst).For("Priority").To(vm => vm.Persona.TelContacto).WithConversion("iOSVisibility", true);

                set.Bind(lblLesionado).To(vm => vm.Persona.Lesionado).WithConversion("Lesionado");

                set.Bind(vehiculoVisibilityConst).For("Priority").To(vm => vm.Persona.Patente).WithConversion("iOSVisibility", true);
                set.Bind(viewVehiculo).For("Visibility").To(vm => vm.Persona.Patente).WithConversion("Visibility");
                set.Bind(lblPatente).To(vm => vm.Persona.Patente);
                set.Bind(lblCiaSeguroDesc).To(vm => vm.Persona.CiaSeguroDesc);


Cell ViewModel

namespace xXxx.xXxx.Core.ViewModels.Items

    public class PersonaDenunciaItemViewModel:MvxViewModel
        private readonly IMvxMessenger messenger;
        private readonly IUserInteraction userInteraction;

        public string Index { get; set; }

        public PersonaDenunciaItemViewModel (SiniestroCarga.PersonaDenuncia persona, IMvxMessenger messenger, IUserInteraction userInteraction, string index)
            this.messenger = messenger;
            this.userInteraction = userInteraction;
            this.Persona = persona;
            this.Index = index;

        private SiniestroCarga.PersonaDenuncia persona;
        public SiniestroCarga.PersonaDenuncia Persona
                return this.persona;
                this.persona = value;
                this.RaisePropertyChanged(() => this.Persona);

        private ICommand removeCommand;
        public ICommand RemoveCommand
                return this.removeCommand = this.removeCommand ?? new MvxCommand(this.RemovePersona);

        private void RemovePersona()
            this.userInteraction.Confirm("Are you sure?", () =>
                this.messenger.Publish(new RemovePersonaDenunciaMessage(this, this.Persona, this.Index));
            }, null, "OK", "Cancel");


And that last messenger.Publish is subscribed to this on another ViewModel

OnRemovePersonaDenuncia = message =>
                    var listPersonas = new ObservableCollection<PersonaDenunciaItemViewModel>(this.Personas);
                    listPersonas.Remove(this.Personas.First(p => p.Index == message.Index));
                    this.Personas = listPersonas;


Changing the implementation of RemoveCommand to this

this.Personas.Remove(this.Personas.First(p => p.Index == message.Index));

Makes that, when I press the remove button, the simulator closes without any error. The application trace on Xamarin Studio shows this

*** Assertion failure in -[UITableView _endCellAnimationsWithContext:], /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/UIKit_Sim/UIKit-3512.60.7/UITableView.m:1700

Gaffer answered 6/9, 2016 at 18:38 Comment(7)
Are you using Autolayout in your TableViewCells ? Also can you post your viewmodel ? Especially the RemoveCommand implementationDisenchant
@Disenchant yes, I'm using AutoLayout. I will update the post nowGaffer
@Disenchant updatedGaffer
Can you try this: In OnRemovePersonaDenuncia change the implementation to this.Personas?.Remove(message.Persona) ?Disenchant
@Disenchant this.Personas and message.Persona are different types, so "cannot convert from xXxx.xXxx.Core.Models.Persona to xXxx.xXxx.Core.ViewModels.Items.PersonaItemViewModel"Gaffer
I see just update to this instead: this.Personas?.Remove(this.Personas.First(p => p.Index == message.Index)Disenchant
I have updated the post to show the resultsGaffer

iOS does not calculate the height of the cells correctly when the content height is dynamic. That´s very annoying but you can override GetHeightForRow and EstimatedHeight in SiniestroParticipantesSource to calculate the exact height of each cell depending on the data:

public override nfloat EstimatedHeight(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath) => 
    GetHeightForRow(tableView, indexPath);

public override nfloat GetHeightForRow(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
    var data = (PersonaDenunciaItemViewModel)ItemsSource.ElementAt(indexPath.Row);
    var cell = (PersonaDenunciaCellView)tableView.DequeueReusableCell(PersonaDenunciaCellView.Key, indexPath);

    // TODO set the cell data manually (ignoring bindings)
    // i.e: **cell.lblNombre = data.Persona.Persona.Nombre**; // and every other field required


    var size = cell.ContentView.SystemLayoutSizeFittingSize(UIView.UILayoutFittingCompressedSize);
    return NMath.Ceiling(size.Height) + 1;

Here´s an example using the very same code.

Corena answered 6/9, 2016 at 20:27 Comment(4)
Why should I ignore bindings?Gaffer
Because you don´t want to wait for any binding to do its work. You want to asign values right away. This operation is just to calculate heights. Not related to mvvmcross bindingsCorena
I can't access the cell elements such as cell.lblNombre. "due to its protection level"Gaffer
lblNombre is probably auto generated in the designer file. Expose it in by public UILabel LblNombre => lblNombreDisenchant

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