Is there any method, function or property in iOS programming through which we can identify whether the SIM is prepaid or postpaid?
Can we use network information in any way to distinguish betweem pre and post?
- (NSDictionary *)fetchSSIDInformation {
NSArray *interfaceNames = CFBridgingRelease(CNCopySupportedInterfaces());
NSLog(@"%s: Supported interfaces: %@", func, interfaceNames);
NSDictionary *SSIDInfo;
for (NSString *interfaceName in interfaceNames)
SSIDInfo = CFBridgingRelease( CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo((bridge CFStringRef)interfaceName));
NSLog(@"%s: %@ => %@", __func, interfaceName, SSIDInfo);
BOOL isNotEmpty = (SSIDInfo.count > 0);
if (isNotEmpty) { break; }
return SSIDInfo;