I've been searching online for a lot of hours, puling an all nighter because i got so lost down this rabbit hole :D but i'm having trouble finding examples with working code.
I have a bash script that is called upon like the following examples:
foo-tools.sh switch <version number>
foo-tools.sh start
foo-tools.sh open-ports on
foo-tools.sh kube get logs
foo-tools.sh kube edit ing default-ingress -oyaml
I use zsh with oh-my-zsh as my shell.
I want to be able to type "foo-tools.sh " to list all availabe options and i want to be able to autocomplete an option with "foo-tools.sh k" meaning it should either list all availabe options starting with "foo-tools.sh k*" or if there is only one option autcomplete the command.
I found this code on some stackoverflow thread, it's the closes I've gotten to having it work fully:
#compdef foo-tools.sh
_foo_tools_sh() {
typeset -A opt_args
local alternatives
'args:rv options:_foo_tools_sh_options'
_alternative $alternatives && return 0
return 1
_foo_tools_sh_options() {
local -a arguments=(
'start:Start VP'
'stop:Stop VP]'
'kube:Kube CMD'
'kube logs:Kube logs'
'info:Display info'
'get:Get CMD'
_sequence _describe 'cmds' arguments
return 1
# invoke the completion command during autoload
_foo_tools_sh "$@"
This works some what. When i type "foo-tools.sh " it shows me the options i configured:
But when i autocomplete one of the options with tab it adds a , after the command:
And the option with a space between the words, "kube logs" gets the space escaped when tabbed out:
I also found these two commands, they goes in my .zshrc. The expansion is wierd, it ignores the commands that has spaces in them and it doesnt understand that the commands are nested. I.e if typing foo-tools.sh open-ports it displays all the options, not just off/on.
local -a _foo_tools_sh=(
"kube get"
"kube edit"
"open-ports on"
"open-ports off"
complete -W "${_foo_tools_sh}" 'foo-tools.sh'
yet the Options not nestled:
I would very much appreciate any help or insights in how to improve the script i have (or throw it out and replace it with something proper).