Here's an exert from a script I'm using to stop the page from animating scroll when the bottom has been reached :
var gate = $(window), edge;
gate.resize(function() {
function setLength() {
edge = $(document).height()-gate.height();
gate.mousewheel(function(event, delta) {
outset = gate.scrollTop();
if (delta == 1 && outset == 0 ) console.log('top');
if (delta == -1 && outset == edge) console.log('bottom');
I'm using the mousewheel plugin, it's just great and for any good cross browser support you'd have to write a bunch of code to normalise wheel events anyway...
I guess this will do what was posed in the question - detect if the mousewheel event would make the page scroll beyond it's limits. For the thought experiment though you could also be a step ahead of this but only accurately if mousewheel
is used as a setter. The page could be made to scroll an exact amount of pixels when the user fires a mouswheel event. And when the destination of the page is known, you could check if that falls within reaching the top or bottom of the page.