I have a Ring handler that needs to:
- Zip a few files
- Stream the Zip to the client.
Now I have it sort of working, but only the first zipped entry gets streamed, and after that it stalls/stops. I feel it has something to do with flushing/streaming that is wrong.
Here is my (compojure) handler:
(GET "/zip" {:as request}
:query-params [order-id :- s/Any]
(stream-lessons-zip (read-string order-id) (:db request) (:auth-user request)))
Here is the stream-lessons-zip function:
(defn stream-lessons-zip
(let [lessons ...];... not shown
{:status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "application/zip, application/octet-stream"
"Content-Disposition" (str "attachment; filename=\"files.zip\"")
:body (futil/zip-lessons lessons)}))
And i use a piped-input-stream to do the streaming like so:
(defn zip-lessons
"Returns an inputstream (piped-input-stream) to be used directly in Ring HTTP responses"
(let [paths (map #(select-keys % [:file_path :file_name]) lessons)]
(fn [output-stream]
; build a zip-output-stream from a normal output-stream
(with-open [zip-output-stream (ZipOutputStream. output-stream)]
(doseq [{:keys [file_path file_name] :as p} paths]
(let [f (cio/file file_path)]
(.putNextEntry zip-output-stream (ZipEntry. file_name))
(cio/copy f zip-output-stream)
(.closeEntry zip-output-stream))))))))
So I have confirmed that the 'lessons' vector contains like 4 entries, but the zip file only contains 1 entry. Furthermore, Chrome doesn't seem to 'finalize' the download, ie. it thinks it is still downloading.
How can I fix this?
shows a no-arg fn, but when you call it in the handler you pass it three args? – Pat