I hope this information helps others who are experiencing issues with "position : fixed" when working on a project that utilizes themes, 3D, transform, sliders, animations in Chrome browser.
Issue: Element positioned with fixed position: does not appear in correct position, will not break out, and is locked in to parent container.
Issue in more detail: A Child element with position fixed which is contained by parent elements with property position set to relative and transform set to anything other than none, that child element uses its parent container with property transform set in order to determine fixed positioning and will not "break out" or determine fixed position to viewport as expected.
The answer to this is specified by: Saml in https://stackoverflow.com/revisions/15256339/2
This issue appears to be caused because CSS transform property is set. CSS transform creates a new local coordinate system for the element of which the children of that element will use for positioning. This causes any element with position:fixed to fix to the last element with transform not equal to none.
This is exactly how transform is is suppose to work according to the w3 spec and it works in chrome as specified in the spec. https://www.w3.org/TR/css-transforms-1/#transform-rendering
This is not a bug, you will need to remove the transform property or move the element outside of transform element.