Recently, while developing a animated component, I came across the term synthetic property
<bmx-panel [@sidebarState]="state">
<i bmxPanelHeader (click)="toggle($event)"
class="fa fa-angle-double-right fa-lg"></i>
In my case the synthetic property [@sidebarState]="state"
triggers the expanding/collapsing animation of my component when the state
property is changed by the toggle
The first parameter of the trigger
method is the name of the corresponding synthetic property @sidebarState
selector: 'app-sidebar',
templateUrl: './sidebar.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./sidebar.component.scss'],
animations: [
trigger('sidebarState', [
state('expanded', style( { width: '240px' } )),
state('collapsed', style({ width: '40px' })),
transition('expanded => collapsed', animate('350ms ease-in')),
transition('collapsed => expanded', animate('350ms ease-out'))
export class SidebarComponent {
public state = 'expanded';
constructor() {}
toggle(event: any) {
this.state = this.state === "expanded" ? "collapsed" : "expanded";
A google search does not bring up much information about synthetic properties. Nothing is mentioned in the angular documentation, too. Does anybody have more insight in this concept?