I'm testing poetry
and I was wondering if it is possible to install prebuilt packages from conda-forge
, as cartopy
without relying on conda
(so keeping a 100% poetry process). I googled this a bit but the only way I found is to install poetry within a conda
venv using pip and then installing from conda-forge
using conda
and then tweaking poetry files to make it aware of the conda venv so that the TOML is written properly.
Packages like cartopy are a pain to install if not from a prebuilt version, if possible I'd change my conda stack to poetry stack if something like poetry add [?conda-forge?] cartopy
without using conda (as a package manager)? – Salvatorepip
) are different package managers (in addition to being different channels). Unless something's changed recently, poetry only usespip
and does not plan to supportconda install
(github.com/python-poetry/poetry/issues/1856). I'll admit it's a bit weird, since they do so much in common, but they're not interchangeable. – Salvatorepoetry add -D "C:\Users\wheels\GDAL-3.2.2-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl"
. I was then wondering if there was a way to use the conda-forge channel/website or to specify an URL instead of downloading and store locally the *.whl. Thanks anyway – Barye