I have a very similar setup to the person in this question: How do I update a list data_relation in Python Eve with a users resource and a friends sub-resource of list type.
users = {
‘friends’: {
'type': 'list’,
'schema': {
'type': 'objectid’,
'data_relation': {
'resource': 'users’
However, when I try to add a new value to the friends list, the other values in the list get replaced by the new value. How do I add a single value to the list and keep the old values?
GET /users/5522987f893e3902048c55ff
"_updated": "Wed, 15 Apr 2015 17:22:07 GMT",
"_created": "Mon, 06 Apr 2015 14:30:23 GMT",
"_id": "5522987f893e3902048c55ff",
"friends": [
PATCH /users/5522987f893e3902048c55ff
{"friends": [“550f288d893e390204b0a5ac”]}
"_updated": "Wed, 15 Apr 2015 19:38:06 GMT",
"_created": "Mon, 06 Apr 2015 14:30:23 GMT",
"_status": "OK",
"_id": "5522987f893e3902048c55ff"
GET /users/5522987f893e3902048c55ff
"_updated": "Wed, 15 Apr 2015 19:38:06 GMT",
"_created": "Mon, 06 Apr 2015 14:30:23 GMT",
"_id": "5522987f893e3902048c55ff",
"friends": [
I have also tried PUT, but it replaces the list with the new value as well.
EDIT: I just tried using POST.
POST /users/5522987f893e3902048c55ff/friends
"_status": "ERR",
"_error": {
"message": "The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.",
"code": 404
POST /users/5522987f893e3902048c55ff
{"friends": ["552e9eb0893e391063045edc"]}
"_status": "ERR",
"_error": {
"message": "The method is not allowed for the requested URL.",
"code": 405