Solving rotation around arbitrary vector will make you insane in 4D. Yes there are equations for that out there like The Euler–Rodrigues formula for 3D rotations expansion to 4D but all of them need to solve system of equations and its use is really not intuitive for us in 4D.
I am using rotation parallel to planes instead (similar to rotations around main axises in 3D) In 4D there are 6 of them XY,YZ,ZX,XW,YW,ZW
so just create rotation matrices (similar to 3D). I am using 5x5 homogenuous transform matrices for 4D so the rotations looks like this:
( c , s ,0.0,0.0,0.0)
(-s , c ,0.0,0.0,0.0)
(0.0, c , s ,0.0,0.0)
(0.0,-s , c ,0.0,0.0)
( c ,0.0,-s ,0.0,0.0)
( s ,0.0, c ,0.0,0.0)
( c ,0.0,0.0, s ,0.0)
(-s ,0.0,0.0, c ,0.0)
(0.0, c ,0.0,-s ,0.0)
(0.0, s ,0.0, c ,0.0)
(0.0,0.0, c ,-s ,0.0)
(0.0,0.0, s , c ,0.0)
Where c=cos(a),s=sin(a)
and a
is angle of rotation. The rotation axis goes through coordinate system origin (0,0,0,0)
. For more info take a look at these: