Computer science student trying to get my feet wet with android development. I am trying to build an app where I am pretty sure a graph database is going to be required (its an app the creates relationships between user created objects, think of a unidirectional mind map).
I have found a few graph databases ported for android.
My issue with the first two is that I am not sure if they are even up to date. The last commits are from 2013. I attempted to build the sample project for neo4j for android but got stuck where it required me to use android sdk version 14 (My current sdk manager api 23 doesn't include the option to download api 14). Now I am not sure if I should continue trying to get it to run because I have no idea if it will even work on my app 23 projects.
Sparksee mobile looks like it might work but the licensing is making it really complicated for something I have 0 plans on ever monetizing.
I'm surprised a graph database for android is so hard to find. When I recently learned what a graph database was I can see it being immensely helpful in a ton of applications, yet I feel like I am searching for some obscure thing. I simply can't imagine how any kind of social network or navigation app is built without some kind of graph database. Perhaps I am misled and am just barking up the wrong tree. Any advice?