From a cursory look into Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
I can see the following instance attributes:
protected $connection
protected $table
protected $primaryKey
protected $perPage
public $incrementing
public $timestamps
protected $attributes
protected $original
protected $relations
protected $hidden
protected $visible
protected $appends
protected $fillable
protected $guarded
protected $dates
protected $dateFormat
protected $casts
protected $touches
protected $observables
protected $with
protected $morphClass
public $exists
public $wasRecentlyCreated
- Why are these things not
, seeing as they are class-level configuration stuff? - Does it mean I cannot use these names for my table columns?
- Is there an official list of names one cannot use as table columns?
- What if I have a legacy table with columns named like this?
- Who came up with this genius idea?
fields (for example) going to be different between two records of the same type? I don't think so. Therefore they should be static. – Ceruse