How can I use a non-standard graphics device interactively?
Asked Answered



The problem

When running R outside of RStudio, plots will by default be shown in a pop-up window, e.g. provided by the quartz device on macOS, the X11 device on Unix, the windows device on Windows.

A special feature of these 'interactive' devices is that manually resizing the plot window causes the plots to be redrawn to fit the new dimensions. This feature is really useful!

A downside of the default interactive devices is that they're relatively slow. The {ragg} package provides alternative graphics devices like ragg::agg_png(), which render noticeably faster than the default devices, and often look better too. Unfortunately, these devices aren't responsive to resizing - you have to manually specify the dimensions of the plot before rendering.

In RStudio it's possible to use {ragg} as a backend interactively. In this case, the plot preview is rendered by {ragg}, and resizing the pane causes the preview to be re-rendered. I assume this is powered by RStudio magic behind the scenes, not by R.

What I want

I would like to achieve automatic resizing with a custom device outside of RStudio. I want my plots to be rendered/drawn by {ragg}, to appear in a floating window, and to be re-drawn when I resize this window.

What I've tried

I was hoping the default quartz device would allow me to specify a backend to draw the plot itself, but I don't think this is possible.

I was able to create an imitation of an interactive device powered by {ragg} using the system's default png viewer - the major downside of this approach is that there's no redrawing of the plot when I resize the window:

options(device = function() {
  file <- tempfile("last_plot_", fileext = ".png")

  ragg::agg_png(file, height = 480 * 5, width = 480 * 5, scaling = 5)

Homeopathist answered 10/4, 2024 at 10:22 Comment(6)
I’ve never used it but the ‘httpgd’ package might be a building block to achieve this.Consideration
Thanks! This looks way better than anything I've got currently, so will definitely give it a try.Homeopathist
Update: been playing with this a bit but struggling to get anything working reliably enough to not be frustrating in day-to-day use. Will post an edit if that changes.Homeopathist…Gorged
Mike FC's rstudio::conf(2022) talk on R graphics has been helping a bit with this. Tl;dr is that X11 (available for mac but not until you install it) is really fast.Homeopathist
Did you see this…? Haven't studied it, but it looks it allows to create your custom device.Delacourt

My current setup is with VS Code, but I infer from your question that you want to use a more lightweight editor/REPL. The R Editor Support extension integrates nicely with httpgd, see this support page. They offer this code snippet for your .Rprofile:

if (interactive() && Sys.getenv("TERM_PROGRAM") == "vscode") {
  if ("httpgd" %in% .packages(all.available = TRUE)) {
    options(vsc.plot = FALSE)
    options(device = function(...) {
      httpgd::hgd(silent = TRUE)
      .vsc.browser(httpgd::hgd_url(history = FALSE), viewer = "Beside")

Which, when changed to the following, gives me a nice clickable (in iTerm at least) URL:

if (interactive() && Sys.getenv("TERM_PROGRAM") == "") {
  if (requireNamespace("httpgd")) {
    options(device = function(...) {
      httpgd::hgd(silent = TRUE)
      message("httpgd running at: ", httpgd::hgd_url(history = FALSE))

Sample session:

> plot(1:10, 1:10*3)
httpgd running at:
> plot(1:10, 1:10*3)
> httpgd::hgd_close()
null device
> plot(1:10, 1:10*3)
httpgd running at:

ps: The radian REPL is a nice substitute for the bare R REPL also relied on by the VS Code extension. Worth having a look at.

Stinkpot answered 23/4, 2024 at 9:7 Comment(10)
It’s worth noting that the check "httpgd" %in% .packages(all.available = TRUE) is really slow (several seconds on my machine with many packages installed), and is also completely unnecessary: just try loading the package. See
Or just requireNamespace("httpg", quietly = TRUE)?Homeopathist
This is a good answer - thank you! Unfortunately, while useful, it doesn't give the specific information I'm looking for regarding R devices, internals and so on. But I'm sure many will find this helpful.Homeopathist
@KonradRudolph - thanks for the hint; my machine (renv w/ 161 packages, MBP M3 Pro) runs it in 0.001s, so I didn't think to change it.Stinkpot
@Homeopathist - Ah, I think I see now - you'd want something like httpgd, but with the unigd backend swapped out and ragg plugged in. Since the httpgd/unigd decoupling isn't quite complete yet (e.g.) I think you'd have to do a PR with them...Stinkpot
@KonradRudolph I was in a bit of a hurry last time and couldn't fix it; I tend to avoid loading any namespaces for my personal dev tooling, so I propose doing it with a try on find.package. My machine prints out 0 elapsed time for that code block on startup, could you benchmark?Stinkpot
@Stinkpot requireNamespace("httpgd", quietly = TRUE): 1.2s — if ("httpgd" %in% .packages(all.available = TRUE)) loadNamespace("httpgd"): 8.3s — if (! inherits(try(find.package("httpgd"), silent = TRUE), "try-error")) loadNamespace("httpgd") is much faster than that (1.5s) but, as mentioned, it’s also completely unnecessary (doubly so: you don’t need the try(), but you also don’t need the rest). (All benchmarks performed via time Rscript -e '…'; the numbers above are from when the package exists, but for non-existing packages the numbers are highly similar, just minimally lower.)Consideration
Oh: these are with a cold system; repeating the measures makes them much faster due to NFS caching, but the relative differences are pretty similar.Consideration
@Stinkpot In addition, I don’t understand what you mean by “I tend to avoid loading any namespaces for my personal dev tooling”. Could you explain?Consideration
Sorry, I meant attach a namespace. Indeed, I had forgotten that requireNamespace does not attach it. I'll change it to that.Stinkpot

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