I want to test results of a Postgres function (changing the function is not a possibility).
The function receives as arguments a REFCURSOR and several other things and returns the same RECURSOR.
get_function_that_returns_cursor(ret, 4100, 'SOMETHING', 123465)
Now I want to create a small test in Postgres to get the results of this FUNCTION. Something Like the code below (this is my approach but it is not working):
row_to_read table_it_will_return%ROWTYPE ;
PERFORM get_function_that_returns_cursor(ret, 4100, 'SOMETHING', 123465);
-- OR SELECT get_function_that_returns_cursor(ret, 4100, 'SOMETHING', 123465) INTO ret
FOR row_to_read IN SELECT * FROM ret LOOP
-- (...)
RAISE NOTICE 'Row read...';
CLOSE ret;
END $$;
Any suggestion on how to get this to work? A generic solution that can be used for testing this type of functions (that get a Cursor and return a Cursor?
And if we don't know the rowtype that is being returned how could we do it?