Since GalleryView
deprecated we should immigrate to some alternative widgets, In my case ViewFlipper
is the best but I have faced with several issues, as you can see in the following screenshot I have designed a carousel ImageGallery
with GalleryView
With ViewFlipper
everything works as I expected, But I'm not able to implement two things:
1- ViewFlipper
always shows one item; however I need to display three items (or even more) at once.
2- ViewFlipper
is non-touchable widget and it's not what I want!
As FlávioFaria mentioned about ViewPager
in the following post, It's a great case too but I can't pass my scale up animation to it!
I've done everything with ViewPager
, now it's working great but I have missed one functionality and that is infinity scrolling!
Added my PagerAdapter
public class CarouselAdapter extends PagerAdapter
private Context mContext;
private ImageLoader imageLoader;
private String[] bannerUri;
public CarouselAdapter (Context c, String[] bannerArray)
this.mContext = c;
this.bannerUri = bannerArray;
// Setup image loader
this.imageLoader = ImageLoader.getInstance();
ImageLoaderConfiguration config = new ImageLoaderConfiguration.Builder(c)
.memoryCache(new WeakMemoryCache())
.discCacheFileNameGenerator(new Md5FileNameGenerator())
public Object instantiateItem(ViewGroup container, int position)
if (position >= bannerUri.length)
position %= bannerUri.length;
ImageView i = new ImageView(mContext);
displayImage(i, bannerUri[position]);
return i;
public void destroyItem(ViewGroup container, int position, Object object)
public int getCount()
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
public boolean isViewFromObject(View view, Object object)
return (view == object);
private void displayImage(final ImageView mImage, String ImageUri)
DisplayImageOptions defaultOptions = new DisplayImageOptions.Builder()
.displayer(new FadeInBitmapDisplayer(740))
imageLoader.loadImage(ImageUri, defaultOptions, new SimpleImageLoadingListener()
public void onLoadingComplete(String imageUri, View view, Bitmap loadedImage)
mImage.setImageDrawable(new BitmapDrawable(mContext.getResources()
, getDesiredBitmap(loadedImage, 12)));
private Bitmap getDesiredBitmap(Bitmap originalImage, int roundValue)
// Create required bitmaps
Bitmap shadowBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mContext.getResources()
, R.drawable.samsungapps_thumb_shadow);
Bitmap outputBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(originalImage.getWidth()
, originalImage.getHeight() + 80, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
// Create canvas and pass bitmap to it
Canvas mCanvas = new Canvas(outputBitmap);
// And finally draw the shaodw
mCanvas.drawBitmap(Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(shadowBitmap, originalImage.getWidth()
, (int)(shadowBitmap.getHeight() / 2.3), false), 0, originalImage.getHeight(), null);
mCanvas.drawBitmap(originalImage, 0, 0, null);
return outputBitmap;
Any idea about how to accomplish these two things?
mechanism! – Inextinguishable