I want to be able to make sure a function will throw an error when it receives and invalid value. For example, let says I have a function pos that only returns a positive number:
pos :: Int -> Int
pos x
| x >= 0 = x
| otherwise = error "Invalid Input"
This is a simplistic example, but I hope you get the idea.
I want to be able to write a test case that will expect an error and consider it a passing test. For example:
tests = [pos 1 == 1, assertError pos (-1), pos 2 == 2, assertError pos (-2)]
runTests = all (== True) tests
[My Solution]
This is what I ended up going with based on @hammar's comment.
instance Eq ErrorCall where
x == y = (show x) == (show y)
assertException :: (Exception e, Eq e) => e -> IO a -> IO ()
assertException ex action =
handleJust isWanted (const $ return ()) $ do
assertFailure $ "Expected exception: " ++ show ex
where isWanted = guard . (== ex)
assertError ex f =
TestCase $ assertException (ErrorCall ex) $ evaluate f
tests = TestList [ (pos 0) ~?= 0
, (pos 1) ~?= 1
, assertError "Invalid Input" (pos (-1))
main = runTestTT tests
throws anErrorCall
exception. See my answer here for how to test for exceptions using HUnit. – Vaccinateall (== True)
==all id
.) – Patrizius