my question is to those who has experience with MFi and external-accessory framework.
If I work with external Bluetooth accessory, is there any way to issue connect request to a remote device? I mean programmatically, without user involvement. If Bluetooth link loss happens, who initiates reconnection - iOS device or external accessory?
The info that I was able to get is that:
1) First connection (together with pairing) is made by iOS device from Bluetooth settings screen. Atter this step devices will be paired and will remember each other.
2) Then it is external accessory who should make connection requests. From iOS side the only way is to manually connect device from Settings, there's no way to do it in program. (Well, there's showBluetoothAccessoryPickerWithNameFilter method in EAAccessoryManager, but it needs user involvement and AFAIK it has some issues and doesn't work as expected)
3) If Bluetooth link loss happens, it is external accessory who should try to reconnect back. iOS will not attempt to reconnect back.
Is my understanding correct? Thanks in advance.