From, I coded an A* algorithm by using nodes in a network to define least-cost paths. The code seems to work but it is much too slow when I use it at large spatial scales.My landscape has an extent of 1000 patches x 1000 patches with 1 patch = 1 pixel. Even if I reduce it at 400 patches x 400 patches with 1 patch = 1 pixel, it is yet too slow (I can't modify my landscape below 400 patches x 400 patches). Here is the code:
to find-path [ source-node destination-node]
let search-done? false
let search-path []
let current-node 0
set list-open []
set list-closed []
let list-links-with-nodes-in-list-closed []
let list-links []
set list-open lput source-node list-open
while [ search-done? != true]
ifelse length list-open != 0
set list-open sort-by [[f] of ?1 < [f] of ?2] list-open
set current-node item 0 list-open
set list-open remove-item 0 list-open
set list-closed lput current-node list-closed
ask current-node
if parent-node != 0[
set list-links-with-nodes-in-list-closed lput link-with parent-node list-links-with-nodes-in-list-closed
ifelse any? (nodes-on neighbors4) with [ (xcor = [ xcor ] of destination-node) and (ycor = [ycor] of destination-node)]
set search-done? true
ask (nodes-on neighbors4) with [ (not member? self list-closed) and (self != parent-node) ]
if not member? self list-open and self != source-node and self != destination-node
set list-open lput self list-open
set parent-node current-node
set list-links sentence (list-links-with-nodes-in-list-closed) (link-with parent-node)
set g sum (map [ [link-cost] of ? ] list-links)
set h distance destination-node
set f (g + h)
user-message( "A path from the source to the destination does not exist." )
report []
set search-path lput current-node search-path
let temp first search-path
while [ temp != source-node ]
ask temp
set color red
set search-path lput [parent-node] of temp search-path
set temp [parent-node] of temp
set search-path fput destination-node search-path
set search-path reverse search-path
print search-path
Unfortunately, I don't know how to speed up this code. Is there a solution to calculate rapidly least-cost paths at large spatial scales ?
Thanks very much for your help.
every iteration, I don't know if that's adding overhead. Also the setting of g could be the "cost of current path +1", which might give you a minescule boost. I don't know the language well enough to suggest anything further, but it has several characteristics that strike me as common in slower languages. – Nimiety