I'm trying to convert a UTC time to the appropriate local time in a flask application. I'm wondering if I can detect the user's timezone and dynamically set it.
This is my code so far which works for everyone in the US/Pacific
timezone only (datetimefilter
pulled from this SO question)
from flask import Flask, render_template_string
import datetime
import pytz
app = Flask(__name__)
def datetimefilter(value, format='%b %d %I:%M %p'):
tz = pytz.timezone('US/Pacific') # timezone you want to convert to from UTC (America/Los_Angeles)
utc = pytz.timezone('UTC')
value = utc.localize(value, is_dst=None).astimezone(pytz.utc)
local_dt = value.astimezone(tz)
return local_dt.strftime(format)
def index():
dt = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
return render_template_string(
<h4>UTC --> Local Time</h4>
Datetime right now is:
<p>{{ dt | datetimefilter }} (utc --> local)</p>
dt=dt, now=now)
if __name__ == '__main__':
I imagine this can't be handled server-side because the timezone will always be set to wherever the server is located? Is there a way to handle this by changing datetimefilter