The above error message is being thrown when I try to add a task to a queue. Here is my setup and the info about this problem:
- Project ID:
- Service Account ID:
- Task Queue Name:
- Task Queue Location:
(one of the few locations where Cloud Task is currently in beta)
Also, let's confirm that all the above exist and are running.
When I check my service account roles by POSTING to
I receive a response similar to:
"status": 200,
"version": 1,
"etag": "BwV6nNWJg4E=",
"bindings": [
"role": "roles/cloudtasks.admin",
"members": [
"serviceAccount:[email protected]"
"role": "roles/cloudtasks.enqueuer",
"members": [
"serviceAccount:[email protected]"
As you can see, my-service-account
has the following 2 roles:
- roles/cloudtasks.admin
- roles/cloudtasks.enqueuer
Both of those roles have the cloudtasks.tasks.create
permission baked in.
When I try to add a task to the Cloud Task using the following:
+ task payload
I receive the following error message:
"status": 403,
"code": 403,
"message": "The principal (user or service account) lacks IAM permission \"cloudtasks.tasks.create\" for the resource \"projects/my-project/locations/asia-northeast1/queues/my-queue\" (or the resource may not exist).",
This really puzzles me.
Is there anybody who knows what I might be doing wrong?