Async commands are a strange thing to do in CQRS considering that commands can be accepter or rejected.
I wrote about it, mentioning the debate between Udi Dahan's vision and Greg Young's vision on my blog:
Answering your question, if you strive to design the domain objects (aggregates?) in a transactional way, where every command initiates a transaction that ends in zero, one or more events (independently on whether there are some process managers later on, picking one event and initiating another transaction), then I see no reason to have an empty command result. It's extremely useful for the external actor that initates the use case, to receive a command result indicating things like whether the command was accepted or not, which events did it produce, or which specific state has now the domain (e.g: aggregate version).
When you design a system in CQRS with asynchronous commands, it's a fallacy to expect that the command will succeed and that there will be a quick state change that you'll be notified about.
Sometimes the domain needs to communicate with external services (domain services?) in an asynchronous way depending on those services api. That does not mean that the domain cannot produce meaningful domain events informing of what's going on and which changes have occured in the domain in a synchronous way. For example, the following flow makes a lot of sense:
- Actor sends a sync command PurchaseBasket
- Domain uses an external service to MakePayment and knows that the payment is being processed
- Domain produces the events BasketPurchaseAttempted and/or PaymentRequested or similar
- Still, synchronously, the command returns the result 200 Ok with a payload indicating some information about what has happened. Even if the payment hasn't completed because the payment platform is asynchronous, at least the actor has a meaningful knowledge about the result of the transaction it initiated.
Compare this design with an asynchronous one
- Actor sends an async command PurchaseBasket
- The system returns a 202 Accepted with a transaction Id indicating "thanks for your interest, we'll call you, this is the ticket number")
- In a separate process, the domain initiates a process manager or similar with the payment platform, and when the process completes (if it completes, assuming the command is accepted and there are no business rules that forbid the purchase basket), then the system can start the notifying process to the actor.
Think about how to test both scenarios. Think about how to design UX to accommodate this. What would you show in the second scenario in the UI? Would you assume the command was accepted? Would you display the transaction Id with a thank you message and "please wait"? Would you take a big faith leap and keep the user waiting with a loading screen waiting for the async process to finish and be notified with a web socket or polling strategy for XXX seconds?
Async commands in CQRS are a dangerous thing and make us lazy domain designers.
UPDATE: the accepted answer suggest not to return anything and I fully disagree. Checkout Eventuous library and you'll see that returning a result is extremely helpful.
Also, if an async command can't be rejected it's... because it's not really a command but a fact.
UPDATE: I am surprised my answer got negative votes. Especially because Greg Young, the creator of CQRS term, says literally in his book about CQRS
One important aspect of Commands is that they are always in the imperative tense; that is they are
telling the Application Server to do something. The linguistics with Commands are important. A situation
could for with a disconnected client where something has already happened such as a sale and could
want to send up a “SaleOccurred” Command object. When analyzing this, is the domain allowed to say
no that this thing did not happen? Placing Commands in the imperative tense linguistically shows that
the Application Server is allowed to reject the Command, if it were not allowed to, it would be an Event
for more information on this see “Events”.
While I understand certain authors are biased towards the solutions they sell, I'd go to the main source of info in CQRS, regardless of how many hundred of implementations are there returning void when they can return something to inform requester asap. It's just an implementation detail, but it'll help model better the solution to think that way.
Greg Young, again, the guy who coined the CQRS term, also says
CQRS and Event Sourcing describe something inside a single system or component.
The communication between different components/bounded contexts (which ideally should be event driven and asynchronous, although that's not a requirement either) is outside the scope of CQRS.
PS: ignoring an event is not the same as rejecting a command. Rejection implies a direct answer to the command sender. Something "difficult" if you return nothing to the sender (not even a correlation ID?)