So here's a scenario which I'm finding is rather common once you decide to play with STI (Single Table Inheritance).
You have some base type with various subtypes.
- Person < (Teacher,Student,Staff,etc)
- User < (Member,Admin)
- Member < (Buyer,Seller)
- Vehicle < (Car,Boat,Plane)
- etc.
There are two major approaches to modelling that in the database:
- Single Table Inheritance
- One big table with a type field and a bunch of nullable fields
- Class Table Inheritance
- One table per type with shared PK (FK'd from the children to the parent)
While there are several issues with STI, I do like how it manages to cut down on the number of joins you have to make, as well as some of the support in frameworks like Rails, but I am running into an issue on how to relate subclass-specific tables.
For example:
- Certifications should only reference Teacher-Persons
- Profiles should only reference Member-Users
- WingInformation should be not be related to a car or boat (unless you are Batman maybe)
- Advertisements are owned by Seller-Members not Buyer-Members
With CTI, these relationships are trivial - just slap a Foreign Key on the related table and you're done:
ALTER TABLE advertisements
ADD FOREIGN KEY (seller_id) REFERENCES sellers (id)
But with STI, the similar thing wouldn't capture the subtype restriction.
ALTER TABLE advertisements
ADD FOREIGN KEY (seller_id) REFERENCES members (id)
What I would like to see is something like:
* Does not work in most (all?) databases *
ALTER TABLE advertisements
ADD FOREIGN KEY (seller_id, 'seller') REFERENCES members (id, type)
All I have been able to find is a dirty hack requiring adding a computed column to the related table:
ALTER TABLE advertisements
ADD seller_type VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'seller'
ALTER TABLE advertisements
FOREIGN KEY (seller_id, seller-type) REFERENCES members (id, type)
This strikes me as odd (not to mention inelegant).
The real questions
Is there a RDBMS out there which will allow me to do this?
Is there a reason why this isn't even possible?
Is this just one more reason why NOT to use STI except in the most trivial of cases?