I'm working with Backbone.js for the first time, and trying to get my head around how it works. I have a search form that pulls in results via Ajax and writes them out to the page dynamically.
I'm now trying to figure out how best to structure this in Backbone - I read this SO question, but I don't completely understand how to wire the form and the results together.
Here's my HTML:
<form id="flight-options"> <!-- options for user to choose-->
<input type="radio" name="journey" value="single">Single<br/><input type="radio" name="journey" value="return">Return
<input type="checkbox" name="airline" value="aa">AA<br><input type="checkbox" name="airline" value="united">United
<div id="results"> <!-- results, written by Ajax -->
<ul id="results-list">
Here's how I'm thinking of structuring the Backbone code:
var SearchModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
performSearch: function(str) {
// fire the ajax request. provide a bound
// _searchComplete as the callback
_searchComplete: function(results) {
this.set("searchResults", results);
var SearchFormView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: "form",
id: "flight-options",
events: {
"click input": "getResults"
getResults: function() {
// Get values of selected options, use them to construct Ajax query.
// Also toggle 'selected' CSS classes on selected inputs here?
var SearchResultsView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: "ul",
id: "results-list",
initialize: function() {
this.model.on("change:searchResults", this.displayResults, this);
displayResults: function(model, results) {
//append results to results-list here.
//update contents of blurb here?
var searchModel = new SearchModel();
var searchFormView = new SearchFormView({ model: searchModel });
var searchResultsView = new SearchResultsView({ model: searchModel });
My questions:
- Is this basically a sensible structure to use, with one view for the form and one for the results - the first view updating the model, the second view watching the model?
- I also want to update the contents of the
results header when there are new results - where is the most sensible place to do this, in the above code? - I want to toggle the
class on an input when the user clicks on a form input - where is the logical place to do this, within the above code?
Thanks for your help.